This is a thread for serious discussion on the existence and modern relevance of certain phrases. I'll start off. Why say "Bob the Builder can he fix it YES HE CAN!" If Bob the Builder couldn't fix it, then surely he shouldn't be a builder? Or is he just a very crap one? Why would your advertising slogan be "I can do what i'm supposed to do."
Yes, a set is both a superset and subset of itself, though not a "proper" or "strict" superset or subset.
Yes, ofc it contains itself. It could be within a parallel universe (futurama solves everything ) A better question would be how could a set contain all sets. Its not a matter of probability, its a metaphorical matter. And as a set is a set, it falls under the catagory all sets. Therefore, a set can indeed contain itself. You lose.
So we are to discuss the existence of phrases? Yes, phrases do exist in certain mediums. Modern relevance? Did you just make that up? The phrases can't be relevant to 'modern.' If you meant that we should discuss the phrase's relevance to our modern age, then that's just stupid. Firstly, you don't even write complete thoughts out. This isn't even a paradox. Why say it? Like any advertisement, he is up selling his abilities. No one would say, 'I can fix it, unless I can't but you should pay me to try anyway'. And it's not even an advertisement slogan its something he just says; its a way to re-iterate ideas to kids so they learn more. If you had no more fries it would be a stupid thing to ask someone, but it wouldn't be a paradox. The first line is up to interpretation by the observer on what the 'statement' really is. It could refer to 'external' statement, or the line itself could be considered the statement that it is referring to (internal). The second part of the problem is that you add a truth value to whatever statement you are talking about. If viewed as the 'external' statement, that statement simply becomes the 0 or false. If viewed as the 'internal' statement, the statement (THIS STATEMENT IS FALSE) becomes false because it is explaining itself. The paradox comes from the completely different entity of understood language. It's taking discrete mathematics and using human language to make sense of it. In coding you could set a variable to be false without any particular meaning, but language constructs require that words inherently have their own meaning (many of which are up to interpretation because they are just associations with thought). dreaddraco2 answered the second line correctly. The third line isn't a paradox its just something that makes no sense. Here's something that doesn't make sense for you all: If spamming isn't allowed on these forums then how are all these posts here?
They aren't. Don't spam, this thread is already... reasonably questionable. The ten second lock was an accident (lol) but it will quickly become a reality if you don't keep it up to a higher standard than the first few posts.
I'm so disappointed, I thought this was going to be the OP complaining about one of the many time-travel theories/stereotypes/etc not making sense. I was about to drop some knowledge. Guess not. :C
i.e. how Jak and Daxter time travel doesn't make sense. That has always bothered the living **** out of me through that series.
I've been studying it for ages. There hasn't been a day in about 15 years that time travel hasn't been on my mind in some shape or form. It is easily my favorite concept next to the idea of psychopomps. Anyway, this has all been OT, so off I go.
Ever hear about quantum consciousness? I saw something about it that said in quantum physics the ability to go backwards is possible, at least mathematically. But there might not even actually be a past or future, only a now that is ever changing and the past is just stored information in the conscious. But there are select instances where the brain accounts for some event and processes backwards in time. I forget how they explained it but it was something like they pricked the finger and before the pain was felt the brain made the signal ahead of time so when the finger was pricked the nerves felt it at the exact time. They also said that in quantum physics (the most true to life mathematics humans have created so far) everything is presented in probabilites and that it requires a observer that isn't present in the problem. The only thing completely independent of all physical matter and energy is consciousness. This is just my basic understanding of it but its really interesting stuff. Its weird too because it coincides with a lot of buddist teachings and other religious ideals but is based on logic and reason. Many people consider this the tie between us and our mislabeled "spirituality"
Time travel is metaphorically possible, but not probable. For example, in a black hole time moves slower. Time travel. I also read a theory that just traveling in planes is equivilant to time travel (albeit a minute amount. If you were in a plane for over 50% of your lifetime you would travel 0.002 seconds into the future) I can't remember where I read this one. Lastly, if the experiment that ended up with a result with particles being able to travel faster than light then that could have made tiem travel a possibility. Again, speculations. It is incredibly wierd time travel. But would you do it?
the closer you get to a large mass, the slower time is. That is the theory behind time being slower around black holes.
Time dilation is the effect of a large mass slowing time down. Objects travelling faster have more energy, and thus more mass (E=MC[sup]2[/sup] and whatnot). Gravity slows down time, and so fast or otherwise massive objects slow down time much more. It's not time travel in the same way that living isn't time travel (albeit that you are travelling forwards in time at a rate of one second per actual second, it would be semantic to call it time travel). It's the result of the relationship between time and space (hence it's more adequate to say spacetime than space and time). Most theories of time travel instead relate to wormholes.
What if theoretically you could enter a black hole and return. Would you have travelled futher forward or back, or at all, in time?