What is it about tryhards and mlg players that dont seem to die when they are actually supposed to die? I know they strafe and all that crap, which i do, too. But its allmost like the magnatism in my aim goes haywire when facing an opponent like that. I guess "tryhard" sounds a little to harsh to state... Considering Im kind of one myself. But the point is, some of my shots are perfect from what I see, but the other player doesnt seem to be taking the damage sometimes. Yet they seem to somehow land every bit of damage on me. Yes bloom is a factor, but the fact that we're in the same circumstances, it should be effecting them as well. IDK maybe im just an unlucky player, who's to say? My Bandwidth, connection, etc. is perfectly fine. My shots seem to land on most players. But when facing a more experienced player, it never really seems to add up. Im not trying to spark any hate or flames, so if you have a rash comment to leave, keep it at a minimum, please. But if you have any advice or similar experiences with what im going through, Id like to know. If I can eventually, I might upload some gameplay to show the audience what I mean...
When I read the title I thought this would be an Artifact thread, color me surprised. On topic: They're better at strafing than you/you get bloodshots due to latency.
mmmK. Im hoping H4 has better hit detection. Ive just about had it with bloodshots. So what you're saying is im supposed to shoot a tad bit BEFORE the reticle hits the target??
Every now and then i meet a random who seemingly has amazing strafing that has the ability to dodge everyone of my shots. I've put it down to there certain way of strafing inadvertently "hard counters" my way of strafing/aiming and the best way to become victorious in a situation like this is to change your strafing/aiming in anyway it may feel weird but it will prevent you been "hard countered". If it's happening a lot maybe its more a matter of learning how to strafe better and becoming more "tryhard"
Same happens to me. Host makes a pretty big difference, but since I'm never host I just have to try and play better. I keep thinking there is some secret method that better players are using in their strafe, but all I can think of is to move unpredictably and use well-timed crouches or jumps to throw your opponent off.
I have to say, I was surprised when I saw this, cause I couldn't remember making this Thread. On topic, you're not the only one experiencing this, try rewatching it in Theater and It'll show it completely flawed, it's probably connection. (Tryhards, no matter what, will always have whatever means necessary to get an unfair advantage)
Hello, religious zealot. I'm a tryhard, because i love competing at the highest level possible. Amd i abhor any advantages that require shady techniques. I wont play on a sketchy connection, because i want as balanced a field as possible. In other words, i could give ****-all about winning; its the competition that matters.
I have to agree. I wasn't really reffering to you, but people with gamertags like xxXXxxXxxXXXXqUicKsCoooPezZzZZZZxxXXx420pr0MLGxxXXxX.
Inorite! **** those assholes. They've got such an unfair advantage on every one else. The completely ruin athletics for all us casual athletes.