Infection map and game type idea.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Sorrinrp, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. Sorrinrp

    Sorrinrp Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have been working on a new map and game type for infection recently and I find that I am in need of some cronstructive criticism and a little nit picking my ideas to help refine them so that I can present a higher quality map and game later this month (assuming I can post the link and pictures that is, thanks a lot Bungie..).

    The bassis of my idea is that there is an alien (elite) race of scientists who are building machines in a factory but one day something goes wrong, the robots (spartan) attack.
    The reason I chose for the infected to be the spartans is because they are smaller than elites and can fit into places that elites cannot, for example, tunnels under the ground and vents in the walls and ceilings. The map would have a plethora of traps (all semi easily evaded) and aesthetic touches such as assembely rooms and furnaces. Like I mentioned before I would also have tunnels and vents and catwalks.

    For the game type I like the idea of having the uninflected being shielded (x2 shields) and having limited sprint, normal jump and speed, unlimited amma (limited clip) and only alien weapons. (they can also pick up weapons on the map.)

    The infected however will have no shields and use swords, they would have normal jump but they would move 20% faster and they would have armor lock and bubble shield (to protect the team and wear down the shields of the enemy) and the damage they do would be less than normal (im not sure by how much though).

    There would also be and Alfa zombie with all the same stats but it would also have a plasma pitol and either jetpack (to reach scaffolding) or evade. The Alfa zombie would also do normal damage.

    So this is the game, what do you like, dislike, hate with a passion, ect? I want to know you opinions and your advice and ideas!
  2. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
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    I am just wondering, how are you going to make a gametype where humans are infected and elites are not infected.
  3. Sorrinrp

    Sorrinrp Ancient
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    I believe you can select an option to do so in the game type editing menu, I've seen it before in a game type called "I am batman".
  4. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is a really great idea, but the humans have too much of an advantage, imo. They would be extremely hard to take down since they have x2 shields and unlimited ammo. Also, the infected's attacks are weakened and they are left with only a sword making it even harder to kill the humans. They do get a nice speed upgrade and some armor abilities, but I don't see that as being enough. I can see armor lock coming in handy in some cqb situations, but the bubble shield seems useless. My suggestion would be to leave the infected's melee damage as is, remove the bubble shield and replace it with evade or sprint, and remove unlimited clips. Another option would be to increase the amount of infected the game starts with. That's all just my opinion though.

    To be honest, the settings heavily depend on the map though. You said the map would favor the infected, so maybe the humans do need more assets. I can't say for sure. Also, I don't think you can choose which race you want to be human or infected without mods. Goodluck with this nonetheless.
    #4 Auburn, Apr 3, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2012
  5. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    Its a modded gametype, which isn't allowed on these forums. Sorry bro. =/
  6. Sorrinrp

    Sorrinrp Ancient
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    Darn, I may be able to find a way around that.

    Basket- they only have unlimited ammo, they've still gotta reload though, and the infected have the bubble shield to set up a defense for the zombies, also the alfa has the plasma pistol to aid the zombies when fighting the humans, this would have to be a huge team effort on their part. If you'd like I can bring you in to help test it when it's near completion.
    #6 Sorrinrp, Apr 4, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2012

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