
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Wraith2098, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
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    Best Gametypes: Slayer, CTF, Assault
    Supported Gametypes: Assault, Capture the Flag, Infection, Juggernaut, King of the Hill, Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer, Territories, Race, Stockpile
    Description: Plateau is a UNSC outpost located atop the Alaskan mountain range. This is a BTB map designed for infantry based gameplay. The layout of the map gives the game a circular flow and fast paced fighting. I have been testing and updating the map for five months now and it is now ready for official release. There are no known performance issues single or split screen.

    A quick note I should mention about the structures. I have to keep the performance of the map in mind and I had to use some prefab structures to compensate for object limit and frame rate. I would rather not use the prefabs but due to the size of the map and amount of objects used I really didn't have a choice. It is a necessary evil.

    Plateau - Halo Reach Big Team Battle - YouTube




    Thank you to the members who helped me capture the pictures and videos of the map, you know who you are ;)

    File Search TAGS: Wraith2098 Plateau

    Special thanks to all the testers that have helped throughout the map process!
    black kn1ght
    AbleSir Thomas 1
    Blaq cloud
    A Haunted Army
    Duck NG
    Flying Shoe ILR
    OG Dizzel157
    S IE V IE IR
    The Psycho Duck

    Sorry if I forgot anyone, there were a lot of testers. Thanks again guys!
    #1 Wraith2098, Apr 2, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2012
  2. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    This map looks great and I love the layout(from the pics, I haven't DL it yet) It looks really clean for a BTB map which is really saying something because lately I have seen a few sloppily made BTB maps( not Port Authority, I love that map). I can see some new ideas have been implementing like the mancannon in the circular ramp. One thing I don't like is that you have used so many buildings, IMO buildings are supposed to be used for emergency if you run out of structures and I also find buildings make a map look rushed. Great map though and its good that you at least got some screenshots, it helps everyone out.
  3. oomishday3

    oomishday3 Promethean

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    This looks pretty cool, it's a bit too open in some spots in my opinion though. I think you did a really good job of incorporating the natural grass, rocks, and trees to where it doesn't look dumb, sure there are plenty of maps that do that now but I still think you did a good job.


    PS I'm totally going to steal the grav lift in the small circular incline idea :)
  4. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    This map looks amazing. Too bad Xbox Live hates me (so does my wallet since I can't get a new harddrive), or I would give this a download. I really love the way you used the buildings and the natural terrain.

    A few suggestions, though.
    1) It would be great if we had some kind of overview. (I would suggest glitching out of the map or just taking the highest possible shot)

    2)On the first picture I would change the color of most of the text. It looks nice, but is hardly legible. (I would suggest changing all of the text to the color and texture of the 's'.
  5. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    DL link is broken... or is it just me. I like the map, but I feel like you're making it bigger than it should be. Since I can't DL or get an overview, I'm assuming it takes up most of the plateau, and with only a few Warthogs, the map won't do well for infantry. Try compressing it, it may even eliminate the need for prefab buildings, and although you used them well, they're really limiting the map. So in summary, compress, and add advantages for infantry.
  6. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    That's because online DL links are gone for the time being. You need to look up a tag that he has given his map on his fileshare to download it.
  7. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Unfortunately like I was saying in the OP I can't upload any of the new pictures. I really wish I could give a layout with weapon and vehicle layouts, but I don't have a capture card to get the pictures with. They're all in my file share if anyone wants to capture and email me the links :) I'll edit the first picture when I get a chance, thanks.

    Thanks for all the compliments guys!
  8. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Took you long enough. :)

    Plateau is a pretty cool Big Team/ 6 v. 6. Although it has never been my favorite, I like the new more attackable base design and I have really enjoyed the last few games I've played. You have some interesting hog routes, though the map always seems pretty brutal to an unaware driver, and overall some very different aesthetics (which are only occasionally marred by pre-fab buildings.)

    Overall, good job man. We always need more good BTB maps to play!
  9. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
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    wow, I love this map. This is the first map I have seen that succesfuly used building pieces and still kept the map looking nice. Also, the gravlift in the circular ramp is AWESOME.
  10. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've enjoyed this map (except for the first game I played where the peninsula off Alaska wasn't killzoned and everyone went over there). The map has benefitted a lot from testing, and the experience has definitely gotten better each time I've played it. I have to say that I'm not a fan of the prefab buildings, but while it's not much of a looker, the map definitely plays quite well. It's good to see other BTB maps out there, along with other maps that are actually getting a good amount of testing. Good work.
  11. Writingrider

    Writingrider Promethean

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    I started using those on my latest map. They're really cool. I really like the look of this map even though I agree the choice of prefab buildings was not the best. Good job!
  12. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I remember the first few times you played the map and your sour feelings towards the map were good motivation to find ways to improve. I'm glad I've won you over even if its just a little bit. I think I've only seen you in on a couple of the tests, but the map definitely had a big adjustment in gameplay as it grew bigger and more refined. I noticed one rock that flips Hogs over when you drive over it and a couple other spots that catch the Hogs so I might go into Forge world and create more of a defined pathway for Warthogs. I have a very wide range of paths to take, but I think players could benefit from a more refined route with the other routes being second options.

    Due to the size of the floor and how many coliseum walls/blocks I had to use I really had nothing left but inclines and prefabs. I tried using more building blocks, but that created performance issues so I had to resort to the buildings instead. I definitely had the mindset of gameplay over aesthetics, but I still wanted to keep the map looking clean. Hopefully I accomplished that in most eyes. I'm glad you've enjoyed the map, its always fun to watch everyone's strategy in theater mode and you had some pretty entertaining moments. One of them being us in the Warthog together and you drove straight into the one way garage only to be bombarded by the other team lol.

    Thanks for all the feedback guys!
  13. Blaq Cloud1

    Blaq Cloud1 Promethean

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    I liked this map since it beta stages. Still would like to do some blue berry sniping on it though. :D

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The Map looks pretty solid, but a few techniques you used, including the block ramps and garage, really make this stand out of the many maps that pass by. Very Unique, I hope you can incorporate original ideas like that into future maps.
  15. Robster95

    Robster95 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    this map looks great, like everyone else has said the small ramp thing and the grav lift is genious :p nice layout, good choice of pieces but i think in some places it looks a bit bare and open, i mean it might not be i havent dl it yet but when i do ill get a closer look, good job.

    Edited by merge:

    can i just ask how do you get that bit on the bottom of you post?? anyone??
    #15 Robster95, Apr 5, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2012
  16. SawtoothMoney86

    SawtoothMoney86 Promethean

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    wow nice job, i really like how you incorporated a look of different designs to make the map feel unique. i also really like how you made really nice building out of non buildings and i really like that if you did use a building you made sure to add plenty of aesthetic blocks around it to make in feel once again unique. i also liked how you used a consistant theme for your aesthetics which you sometimes don't see and the way you incorporated this map into the environment? amazing, a very solid BTB map, nice job
  17. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Ah I remember testing this multiple times, I think I liked it best with the underground tunnels for the mongooses, but this map is pretty fun, from being on top of the bases to lasering ground vehicles. My favorite aesthetic of the map is the garages you made with the 3x1s, nice forge, Wraith
  18. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
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    Maybe I'll throw a blueberry in for a random test one of these nights just for you lol :p

    The structures were based off military bases that I had photos of. A Spartan Outpost was the main goal from the beginning, so we'll have to wait and see what the theme is and what the structures look like on my next project ;)

    Grav lift was pretty fun to make. I was looking for something to shoot the players into the room triple and the circular ramp just happened to fit perfectly, woot! The map has some open areas, definitely. There are no Sniper Rifles on the map so the gameplay is DMR based. The structures are close enough together that you can work your way from structure to structure if you are careful. It makes for a bit of a chess match, who will make the next move? The map has a lot of cover and infantry routes, a lot of the open ground is for the Warthog to have some driving space.

    The testers played a big role in expanding the map based on their feedback and how they played the map in general. The original build was probably half the size it is now and the layout was completely different. I can't thank the testers enough for motivating me to expand the map.

    Dang when's the last time you played? The Laser has been out of the map for over a month now lol. Thanks for helping out with all the testing, definitely made a world of difference getting all the different testers in on the map.

    Thanks again guys, I really appreciate all the feedback and comments!
  19. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    Great to see you finally post this map Wraith. You put so much time and effort into this map and the game-play has improved so much because of all that effort. Despite the amount of times having played on this map I always feel that there is something new to do and explore. My only dislike would have to be the amount of buildings, but I understand that they are necessary in order to meet the goals that you had with this map. Good job Wraith and I look forward to your future projects!
  20. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Sora!

    I updated the OP with current pictures and I threw in a quick weapons/vehicle layout. Still no video though, sorry.

    Edited by merge:

    I finally got the video done, thanks to some help from a couple friends :)

    Plateau - Halo Reach Big Team Battle - YouTube
    #20 Wraith2098, Apr 17, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2012

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