Hey everyone I have been on this site for a while but I have finally returned. My Gamertag is DaBigestBob Favorite Color is yellow I love to read, write, do math (I know enjoying math) and run cross country. My favorite book being Lord of the Rings. I hope to get along with everybody here and I hope to enjoy my time here.
You seem like a cool guy to hang out with. And finally, someone who enjoys math. We can do some Quadratic Equations sometimes just for the lolz. Welcome to ForgeHub!
Wow someone who enjoys math... Can you do my homework lol welcome to forgehub hoe you have a good time here
@Sky I perfer professor @Neoshadow its pronounced Biggest since my gamertag was originally planned to just be DaBigBob but some German guy beat me to it after all my years of using it in other games @Frozen Goathead okay lets do some quantom equations lol @Waterfall Ninja Umm... it depends I might be able to help you do it since I do tutor a bit.
Oh hello there Bob and welcome to our home! We have a room over there and a chained Stevo right over there. I hope you enjoy your stay at Forgehub.com! Love, Mocha.
Well you have to convince one of the journos to have sex with you. Then you must record it and post it in the videos forum so we can all fap to it. I think yoyo([user]/reflex lon[/user]) would be an easy target as long as you dress up like fluttershy from MLP