JUST THE TIP Just The Tip is a symmetrical 1v1 and 2v2 map, comprised of the tip of The Spire. Screenshots: Spoiler Videos: Spoiler Note: Videos slightly outdated. Hopefully new video will be available in the near future. Flythrough FFA Gameplay Weapons/Pick-ups: Spoiler Sniper Rifle (x1, 180s, 0 clips) Grenade Launcher (x2, 90s, 0 clips) DMR (x1 60s/1-clip and x3 45s/0-clips) AR (x1, 60s, 1 clip) Plasma Grenade (x2, 45s) Custom Power-up (x1, 180s) Jetpack (x1, 120s) Hologram (x1, 90s) As always, feedback is very much appreciated.
thats actually a good idea. incredibly lazy, but i think it would make a fun little 2v2. its set up in a way that would be pretty fun for a nice little battle. ill be sure to download it and try it out... oh wait! i cant.
That is a very unique spot in Spire. I liked the idea of building a 2v2 slayer map on the top of the Spire, also liked the gravity lifts that takes you to the top of the bit with the big hole in it and you drop down in the hole. I know thats not really that much on my feedback about your map. But that's pretty impressive to build on top of the Spire. Well Done. - EpICx ReMiX XD
Well, given the available forge palette, it's not so much lazy as using everything at my disposal. I'll admit though, I can't really take credit for it. It's Bungie's design. I just took a chunk I like and repurposed it. As for downloading, you can - you just need to use the file browser in Reach to find it. I know it's lame, but it's not like you can play it from a PC anyhow.. lol Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy it. Did you notice the one-way shield lifts? I'm concerned some people might be overlooking them thinking they're just aesthetic features..
lol. well, its not like building an invasion map, i can tell you that. yeah, you can, BUT it could be a lot easier, if waypoint actually put their system online.
Is the shield-door that you jump out of where the core spawns removable? IIRC, it was a 1-way route, meaning there are only 2 ways up to that area. Might be a little campable, especially with shotty.
Is the map name a reference to the inbetweeners movie by any chance? Like the idea of using that area as a part of a map and the use of the spire is original however i doubt it will play very well due to the limitations of the map spire, nonetheless i will download and play and edit this comment when i do
Definitely the opposite end of the spectrum from Invasion lol and yeah, the blackout sucks, but such are the trials we must endure lol The 1-way shield door is gone. You can't get the shotty up into the core spawn without a jetpack or adjusted gravity/jump height though. You can, however drop in there from above. So that's three access routes, and five with a jetpack (including the window from center). It's also fairly limited on it's LoS options, and traffic doesn't really move that direction consistently enough to make it a very useful campsite. It's a nice spot to set up if you're on the defensive, but even then it's a reasonably risky spot. No - I need to watch that movie - I've been asked that a few times. The reference I intended is from Archer. Judging from playtests, it actually plays better than I originally thought. I was concerned top control was going to be too dominant, but after a few games it's become apparent that moving around the perimeter actually seems to be most players' preference. Top control is still useful, but the central nature of the top area makes it a dangerous place to be, and requires that you constantly keep your head on a swivel.
probly not the most creative idea but definitely a good one, that was a smart move making it there but why don't you make a map in forge world? you have so many more possibilities there
I forge in forge world too. My issue there though, is the aesthetic. I'm tired of it. I'm still working on maps there, but I'm trying to produce a very different appearance from most other FW maps, and that usually means I end up scrapping it for framerate issues. I wish more people would forge on non-forge world maps. You have so many aesthetic possibilities on them.
How was I supposed to know you're lactose intolerant?!?! But seriously, any feedback? Is this map worth your time?
Lol yeah , the map looks worth my time. The spire has a pretty cool symmetrical layout actually, which you took advantage of perfectly with your color coding, I like the lights, cause there's hardly any pieces, so they won't affect FR. I would have like to see somekind of structure around the outside though, where you have the pre fab cove barriers. I like the idea . Good thinking