^Download^ Map Name: Outflank Canvas Map: Forgeworld Creator Name(s): Cheeeeeeeeze Last Updated: March 22cd, 2012 Player Count: 6-10 Recommended Gametypes: TU Team Slayer, TU Capture the Flag, TU Neutral Bomb Assault. Supported Gametypes: All Pictures / Video: Overview Rockets/Pride Rock Green Overview Overlooking Green Blue spawn Blue Lift/Cap points Looking onto Bridge Red Spawn Red Lift/Cap Points Red Teleporter Bottom (Same for blue) Red Teleporter Top (Same for blue) Top Orange/Tac Jump/Route Orange/Sniper Spawn(floor now wall colly) Orange Overview Description of Map: Outflank was originally going to be an Avalanche-esque map that was U shaped, But it began to slowly take its own shape, yet still having an Avalanche feel. It has also been said it has an Orbital vibe aswell. It supports all gametypes (Including race, I believe.) but is best played with Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, and Neutral bomb. I haven't been able to test anything else on it, but it does support it. Weapon List: x1 Sniper: 2 clips; 120 secs x1 Rockets: 1 clip; 150 secs x1 Grenade Launcher: 4 shots; 110 secs x1 Needler: 2 clips; 40 secs x2 Spikers: 2 clips; 50 secs x2 Pistols: 3 clips; 30 secs x2 Plasma Pistols: 30 secs x2 Needle rifles: 2 clips; 45 secs x2 Frag Grenades: 15 secs x2 Plasma Grenades: 15 secs x4 DMR's: 2 clips; 45 sec x4 Health Stations: 15 sec ^Download^ Thank you to the following: The Tester's Guild, The TCOJ, Nutduster (Made the "Outflank and Neon Nightmare images in my signature.), Overdoziz, and everyone else that helped test the map. It helped a ton to get this map finished and out there. Lazy copy-pasta. Will fix later. EDIT: I just updated it to 5.3, and changed the name just to "Outflank." Also, I fixed the player count in the description and give it a small description aswell. EDIT 2: Alright, I fixed the bases to be a bit more pleasing and changed some others to lessen to object count. (5.5) EDIT 3: Fileshares are back up, and so is this post.
i honestly just want to pick up the sniper(only, because of how beautiful the placement and detail is around) and no scope the fudge out of people on top of the balcony/walkway. i also like the fact that you set up a sort of sneak attack ridge, that people could use as a strategy.2 Thumbs up.
I just updated the map to 5.3. Fixed the asymetric rocks, reduced object count in Orange, and Fixed small flaws.
Solid map you got here, Cheeze! Screenshot #3 shows my favorite part of the map - the rocket spawn/rock jump to top level. That area looks very cool and is very fun to fight around. I left more extensive feedback for this in the TCOJ recap thread if you're interested, but the short version is, I like this map, I like the subtle touches you put into it, and most of the games we played on it were a pleasure.
Thanks for the positive feedback. I'd say this is my best map by far. I looked when i first started it. It was back in November. I submitted it to the TG and in the post i said i had been working on it for 2 weeks, so I probably started late October. Then now I finally get a balanced playable version of it and released it, so it took about 5 months to get it finished. Its only like the 3rd map I've posted too, So is that an improvement? (One was on H3, One was Neon Nightmare, and now this one!) Also, if anyone wants to make the picture pretty and whatnot, feel free to IM me.
Apparently all of us that played this map forgot to comment besides Nutduster. This map deserves a little more time on the frontpage, methinks. Outflank is a nice map with a different, yet familiar feeling layout. The weapon set works well and the double lifts in the back were a cool touch that gave the map some personality. The best part was for me was the awesome "pride rock" jump to top-mid, which was just plain cool. The teleporters were also a nice way of quickly moving players to top-mid in order for a counter push. Where Outflank's biggest problem lies is unfortunately in its general layout. The map is, aside from Pride Rock, kind of forgettable. The game-play revolves heavily around top-mid control, a style of game-play we know all too well, and though there are a variety of routes to counter this position, that doesn't stop almost all the action from accruing in this spot. Hitting the jump from Pride Rock to top-mid is a cool way to move players around the map, but the area you land on is a long, narrow walkway that is easily spammed with grenades should you get caught headed that way. The bases aren't anything special and feel solely practical in the sense of, "Here is where you spawn and bring objectives." For all the ares Outflank falls short, it succeeds in more of them. If you're looking for a good map with some fast-paced game-play and some neat tricks to it, I highly recommend checking Outflank (see what I did there?).
I really like this map, its nice and has a smiple layout, with more complicated astectics. I can really think of anything negitive i saw so ill just compliment some of the detales i like. First i like how you incorporated the grassy area with the balcony above it, it looks very nice and im sure plays well. The sniper sopt looks really cool too. But the final thing i like is the way you framed the teleporters, what pice is that if you dont mind me asking. Anyway nice work keep up the forging.
Just from the pics the map looks like it has a solid layout. I have yet to play on it but I would like to. I also agree with Nutduster that jump looks pretty sweet and it probably works really well. I'll have to play on this sometime.
Thanks for all the positive feedback, but I think i've done all I could to get the flow moving other places besides top mid. Its just human instinct to get to the top of whatever they see. And if you think it deserves more, Nominate it for a FHF? ;D -Wink wink.- Thanks goes to NlBBS for the grass idea, I wouldn't have done it if he wouldn't have brought it up. The Sniper place/Orange room is the room I made first, so most of my money was mainly sunk into it. The teleporters used to be not as sexy, but a cool idea. The TCOJ recommended that I make it where you can actually see the teleporters. So with the change i had left, I made them! I'm usually testing it in the TCOJ lobby, but if you ever have a party on, or I do, I'll be sure to invite you to get a test or two on it, but i'm pretty sure this will be the final version of it. Thanks for all the great support! Oh yeah, working on fixing all the fuggin broken links. EDIT: So apparently.. Bungie.net doesn't host the fileshare anymore either..and neither does halo.xbox.com .... anyone wanna help me?
Interesting concept, solid map. Really there isn't much to change besides the smallest of things like the capture plates and flag stands appearing in all gametypes or the fact that your map says its only set up for Territories, and no I'm cluess about Bungie.net. So I'll ask this how the heck do you get those epic pictures like the one up there you have at the top of the thread, the fold out canvas picture? It looks really cool.