Well it depends what time u guys are on cos I'm uk so yeah and yeah Except you dont realy need a weapons room just some weapons in the house like dotted around tbh, the reason for it is if you are defending and you get trapped almost in a bit of the house u will only have certain weapons sorta thing, where if there dotted around you can get to them easier in a battle
But that's the point of your social group, so you can all talk together without pushing down everyone's threads. Just use that, it's more organized to say the least, and as it is now you posting here is helping bury all of the other threads in this section. The point of this thread as far as I can tell is over. You have your team now go to the social group.
I agree to talk on our team page but u guys say we're pushing down other threads, there's only one or two being commented on so u know and this is one thread all it does is goes to the top of the page, but I'll respect ur request and I won't comment on here anymore unless I have to
Ive just completed a slayer and infection type maps.first two that ive made.medium based for both.they are in my fileshare on xbox.would like anyone to test or play them and give feedback.always appreciated.message me if interested.thnx
I've not really liked most of this groups maps. It seems most of you don't understan good gameflow and how to implement it into your map. Maybe I could help you with forging very soon.
We're not that bad, well there not that bad its just working as a team on a map is harder in some way because you all have differant ideas etc so there just getting use to forging as a team.
MACHINA - UNSC Training Platform. I have just 'finished' a map. Spawns set for a 6v6 map, slayer only so far. No veichles. Weapons: 6x DMR 2x Shotgun 1x Rocket Launcher. I need some people to test it, I will put up a map preview later. (Knowing its my map it will get slated anyway.)
oh is that the one that i saw you making?? if it is then i think its gonna be realy competative i cant wait ill test it with you
How was he flaming your group? He was simply advising everybody to move off-topic chat to the group page where it belongs.