None of the good republican candidates are running because they probably won't beat Obama. And if you lose an election, they won't let you run again.
That being said, none of the good candidates will ever win, because such a large portion of this country are bible thumping (Which is an ironic term, because they don't actually preach what's in their own religious text), Hypocritical, anti-gay, anti-choice, pretty much anti-everything bigots. They kind of tip the scale, though eventually the generations that think like that will die, and society may "move forward", which is probably the only way progress is actually made.
None of the "good" candidates are running because it will be pointless until somebody shuts the dumb**** tea partiers up. Mitt Romney: Wants to be president any possible way Newt Gingrich: Power hungry Rick Santorum: Dull and power hungry Ron Paul: Sick and tired of dumbfuckery, wishes it was different This election reflects why I am on track to pursue engineering. They typically don't deal with as many stupid people on a day-to-day basis. Vermin Supreme 2012
Yeah, I don't really understand the people that make fun of Ron Paul. He is the only sensible guy running.
Sensible is not how I would describe Ron Paul's policies. Whether you agree with them or not, his ideas are pretty drastic.
I don't see eye to eye with him on everything, but its hard to find somebody that does. Yeah he is drastic in a lot of matters, but the system of checks and balances would whiddle them down to reasonable compromises that still accomplish a lot. Side note: according to a non-partisan economical study on each of the four leading republican candidates' tax views, only Paul's shows strong possibilities of lowering the deficit. I wish I had the source but it was an article my friend showed me and I don't have the url. His two most drastic ideas are to slash the executive beuracracy in favor of states rights and cutting useless federal spending as well as eliminating the income tax in favor of a high sales tax.
Yeah guys, vote for Ron Paul. He'll legalize! That'll solve everything! We won't need any government assistance at all. Just pay for college out of pocket. Yeeeeeah...
At least I recognize that some people need help. I may not need it but I am sure some others do. It's not just with College either though. He has quite a few shitty policies in my opinion.