Mini-maps, one of my favorite kind of maps. You pulled it off really well and i love the amount of detail you put into the map. From the staircases to the buildings themselves, you really gave a good Mayan atmosphere for the map and i applaud you for that. Great work.
Your post is not up to Forge Hub's standards. These standards include: At least one embedded picture or video that clearly demonstrates the map. At least a brief description. A download link that points directly to the file on - NOT your fileshare. THIS THREAD WILL BE LOCKED WITHIN 24 HOURS IN THE ABSENCE OF A FIX. Do you need help embedding screenshots? The map looks really awesome man! Just add a description and you'll be good.
You need a direct link to the map on You have it linked to your fileshare. OT: Map looks very nice. You managed to pull off the Mayan theme well and this definitely looks better than some of your other aesthetic maps. Sadly, it can only be enjoyed for a moment, but what an enjoyable moment that will be. Try to come up with something never seen before. Your maps are nice, but they need that wow factor. Keep up the great work.
Yes, we are too lazy. Or you can think of it this way: You are too lazy to edit the link in. And that is not up to forgehub standards merely because we would have to scroll though all of your other maps that take up your fileshare space, making us load one more page, making us use our internet megabytes. Thank you.
or you can stop critizing people on there maps and act like your better than everyone and yes you are to lazy if you can't wait a minute for the next page to load it has all the maps that i have posted on one page and zatherla why do you care any ways its not like you are going to download it
Map locked. PM me when you would like to fix your thread. Take note, the requirement for linking directly to the map IS in the map posting rules and not just "personal criticism".