Halo 4 forge

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Waterfall, Mar 28, 2012.

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  1. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    Hey guys waterfall here
    Now I know I'm not the only one here that is super excited for halo 4 no matter how far away it's release may be and I've seen lots of threads discussing halo 4 but I've never seen one that focuses on the key feature I'm so excited for.
    Can you guess it?
    Now in this thread I want YOU to let me know what aspects you would want to see in the halo 4 forge I want to see what (other than myself)
    The community wants to be able to manipulate, spawn,drive, make and play on in forge also what kind of canvas maps would you guys want to see.
    ( this discussion is purely for imagination and discussing what we want to see there is in no way any guarantee anything in this thread will be seen in the game come release)
    So let's discuss why don't we?!?!
    #1 Waterfall, Mar 28, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012
  2. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
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    I would love to see a terrain editor like being able to make hills and also to set the time of day and the weather(snow,rain etc). Another possible thing is more variety of vehicles like pelicans,phantoms and SCARABS!!!!!!!
  3. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
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    I would like Halo 4 to be a 2-disk set. One disk would be the game itself (matchmaking, custom games, and theater), while the other disk is just dedicated only to forge. With a whole disk to itself, you can have more stuff to work with like more objects, weapons, or maybe AI enemy spawn placement. You can also have room for a terrain editor, and if they can find an efficient way to fit in a weather editor, then you might as well throw that in as well. I know that 2 disks will make the game itself cost more, but they could maybe just make a separate case that is labeled for forge.
  4. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    I personally see a lot of potential in the halo 4 forge. For a canvas map I would love something like forge world but a lot more space and less half assed.
    Forge world had some potential but it never got expanded why??? Maybe due to the amount of framerate lag one would encounter while looking at it all... Fortunantly there is a solution for that one that reach uses to a certain extent. For starters when you get farthur away from a object the less detail you see so it makes it easier for the game to render that object. Reach already does this but one thing they could do ... Let's use minecraft as an example here if you look at a mountial in the distance can you see it clearly
    No there is fog there this would drastically improve frame rate problems in reach... I agree pelicans and phantoms would be amazing especially for invasion. Let's just hope 343 listens to the community with that one and I've always wanted a terrain editor because I would be 100 percent happy with our forge world if we could have different biomes and be able to make hills, caves , rivers, etc. for objects they should have ... Let's use a door as a example you spawn a door and you get a normal door.
    It opens when you get close etc but it dosent look like much however u push x on it and go to its options you could change its texture to a covenant door like on Gemini or s human air lock door and each would have their apporiat sound effects such as a airlock for human a ding ding that you here in campaign or firefight for the corvette map( or Gemini ) eyc you could maybe have flood tainted pieces, forerunner pieces and even civilian pieces.
  5. Berb

    Berb Ancient
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    I thought the millions of threads like this were locked? Well, I guess I better state inb4lock first...

    Anyway, all I want from H4 in general is:
    • A more classical (H2,H3) style in gameplay. I mean, I grew up on those games, it's just my nature to have something similar return. For the hardcore people who look in-depth at weapons, movement and flow, I don't know if that means for better or for worse.
    • Have the reach gametypes with VIP added. I loved VIP from back in the day, and I had some great ideas on how to manipulate it and create an rich, authentic experience with it. Unfortunately, I couldn't build worth **** in H3 (assuming I can build "worth ****" in Reach) so I had to wait until Reach. With an early gametype made, and a rough sketch for a map layout drawn, I realized Reach dropped the VIP. It would delight me to get the opportunity to once again try that old idea from the summer of 2010.
    • More movable pieces. In H3, I was one of the noobs in awe of traps and launchers and mechanisms.
    • 343 to take a pure, new artistic approach to the maps. Just the feel of forging in a new area, with new environments and views excites me.
    • Some of the old weapons and vehicles like the chopper and beam rifle.
  6. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    I agree I think we all would like a change in scenery. Also we do need the chopper back
  7. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
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    Not to sure about the chopper.
    This thread is turning into a Halo 4 discussion. Prepare for locking.
  8. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Moveable/dynamic objects... Reach was too duplo-y for me. Seemed like a lot of Reach forged maps were very similar and had same gameplay styles. I'm all for jenga, predator, puzzles, etc. games.. Things that go outside the box, but are still dynamic in that they allow movement and tactic, if you know what I mean. Gah, nostalgia hit me a bit.

    Edit: The thing I hate about the Halo 4 Discussion thread is it's a lot of the "hardcore" gamers talking about hit rate and such. I like thinkin' bout energetic, fast-paced games. Not to say I'm some 14 year old with severe ADHD, it's just that I love fast paced/dynamic action when it comes to Halo, at least. I vote keep the thread open, even if there have been threads created before.. also, the "inb4lock" routine is getting annoying
    #8 Monolith, Mar 28, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012
  9. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    I second this.
  10. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Yeah, we don't need another of these threads. Talk in the actual Halo 4 Discussion thread.

    KurodaEdit: For reference, this was locked because we have little-to-no information on Halo 4's forge. The thread's point is essentially moot, but for those that do want to discuss, you can still talk about it in the H4 Discussion thread.
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