ALIENATION Created by thefro3po Map Description: Alienation is an asymmetrical map created for 4v4/5v5 Team Slayer. This map features short and medium range lines of sight, close combat, multiple routes, sneaky jumps, power weapons, and clean aesthetics (natural and forged). WEAPONS 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Sniper Rifle 1x Shotgun 1x Plasma Pistol 1x Needler 4x DMR's 2x Needle Rifle 2x Plasma Repeater 2x Magnum 4x Frag Grenade 4x Plasma Grenade --Load Out Screenshot (Red Team) --Rockets --Blue side view of Rockets --Tele-porter (looking up Blue stairs) --Blue Stairs (Close-up) --Blue Corner (looking Green) --Top Red (looking Gold) --Top Red (looking Green) --Green Corner --Green Lift (left is Blue and right is red) --Sniper Tower/Top Green --3/4 view of Sniper Tower SPECIAL THANKS Darth Masiah, PR Smash, Vicarious Wolf, Ferret, Skilled Milk, Zadro MD, Prolific Thought (thanks for letting me borrow your xbox love you bro) and anyone else who helped make this map possible.
From the pics this map looks great and I love your location of the map. My only real bother on this map I can see is that on the first and second pic I can see some massive Z-fighting between the 2x3 and the platform XXL.I like the way you have use the rocks because you have done something that is a real challenge to do and that is to make them look realistic. One thing I would recommend doing to this thread is to maybe add a weapons list so we can get an idea of what weapons you have on the map. Great map though I will give it a DL when I get the chance.
Room based asym ftw! Now I see why you commented on Worthy. Me and you, we got similar views on map design. I'll be back for feedback.
Hey thanks for leaving some feedback bullet and good catch on the z-fighting, I'll adjust the height on those objects to remove that (it is quite unsightly). I'm glad you appreciate the details with the rocks. I really like to add rocks, mixed with grass/water/mountains from forge world to try and give my maps a natural feel... and it saves some credits too. Oh and I added a weapons list too. Come back and let me know what you think. Thanks Whoa, xzamplez thank you for the complement. I really dig asyms now that I've had a chance to play around with them a bit. It's a good challenge to balance things out but at the same time I find it so much more freeing not having to worry about matching up/mirroring the same thing on another side of the map... and less boring. lol Hopefully with some practice I'll be able to get my geometry to flow as clean as yours is on Worthy.
Great map dude, from all aspects this looks really good. I love the verticality of the map, it flows with the aesthetics instead of fighting it (like most a lot of vertical maps) I also like the layout, props to creating a good asymmetric map and keep up the good work
I really like this map it looks astectly pleasying layout wise. but some of your pices dont fit togther too well, but thats not too big of a deal. goob map, keep forging.
Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you're liking the map... I wanted to make it a bit taller but I was running out of pieces, as it seems to be the case with almost all my forge projects I look forward to Halo 4 and what that forge will hold for us. Barbarossa appreciate you stopping by and leaving your feedback. I had some issues with pieces towards the end of forging Alienation... Was running out of credits and pieces, so I had to finagle a few things. All in all things turned out well and it was a good learning process. Hope you'll check out my next creation. **SIDENOTE**Hopefully they do something with the File Share situation soon... I wanted to upload a walkthrough vid. I still had 4 render mins