Call of Duty's Robert "fourzerotwo" Bowling Steps Down Maybe even he realized that Call of Duty was going down. Thoughts?
Its not going to stop the CoD series, but hopefully without him, they'll turn into even worse games and eventually collapse. Im sure we'll still see CoD's MW 4-100, though.
I've never thought i'd see the day when CoD might collapse. Or become something better... This might be a good thing.
Yes! Finally that mothaf*cker decided to get the f*ck outta there! I hope that Black Ops now won't be full of bullshit. However, if COD still won't learn from it's errors then I would prefer it to die. You know, gameplay wise, the first fews(1-3) was better than all that followed. Why? The first: - Connection problems - Bad hit detection - Okay spawns - Balanced guns - Good Maps Last: - Extreme Connection problems - Hit detection? What is that? - Spawn System? WHAT? - Unbalanced guns - Unbalanced perks - Unbalanced Kilstreaks - Maps are crap Really, I can't believe that every game they'll add new OP guns and then have to release hundreds of patches. If you can't make the game good from the beginning then don't make it. They simply add new problems every game and fix the ones from the last one so people will ignore those huge cracks in core gameplay: Hit Detection, Maps, Connection and Spawning. I have a closed NAT and can barely kill **** and over on MW3 Forum there's a lot of people bitching about ''*** compensation''. If it exists, where is it for me then? They just keep saying that they're behind and that ''peoples connection should speak for themselves''. Really? What about this little thing that has been forgotten over the years called ''skill''? I remember the times where games where not about luck, connection or weapon choice, but about skill. Good times. Good times. Anyways, either COD fixes it's **** or it can go die from my part.
wat . Robert Bowling worked for Infinity Ward, so anything with Black Ops was not his problem. And he was the community manager, which meant he didn't develop the game in any way.
I can't imagine it was much fun working on the same series for years and years. I mean that's the reason why some employees have left Bungie, they couldn't work on new games in the same series over and over again, if you get what I mean.
You didn't, but you implied they left Bungie to work on other games... Yet a good bulk of the devs went to 343i where they're working Halo.