Well with Nuiz getting released later today, I figured that now would be the time to post a map preview for a new map I have been working on that is made for 4v4 Team Slayer and 6 player FFA. Enjoy the vid! Lime Map Preview - YouTube
Nice map for only being a couple weeks old. Spawns could use a little more work, but besides that things look pretty solid.
The theme looks great. Based on the video, I'd say the layout could use some tweaking though. That one enclosed elbow looks like it receives the most travel because it has the most cover and the fewest ways in. The rest of the map has much thinner cover by comparison. Also, the initial spawns seem to point you at people who aren't looking at you which might be a bad idea. I'd avoid putting spawns in far corners if they exposed you to long sight lines. I am of course judging from the video, so I could be wrong, but I'd consider whether these are recurring problems.
Map looks good, has some nice aesthetics and looks to have a decent layout, but I've told you before that your maps need more structure to them. This is mainly why you are having bad spawning.
I like the green tunnel with the brace. Thats all I really got to say. Kinda reminds me of rats nest from halo 1. Or my bloody nest adaption. There seems to be alot of these up and down box style maps coming out lately. Maybe if you could put something that will really draw out the map and make it super unique or some sort of special feature like my map formality or hanger 9.... some sort of cool aesthetic
This seems to me the most promising map I have seen from you, Neverend. This looks nice but I cant tell too much from just the video. my initial ME3 rush has slowed so I may be on Reach a bit in the near future. If I am feel free to invite me to testing or what have you. I can certainly understand concerns of those above and I did see some bad spawns, but I cant say much more from just this.
I like how you did such a great job with making the map not gray by using inclines and other pieces with color. Its awesome how colorful the map is! And the spawning is absolutely perfect as well! I love spawning and seeing another player immediately! Especially when he isn't expecting it.
Lol, I was the one that killed you at the last 10 seconds of the video. Anyway, I like the overall aesthetics of the map, looks clean and well forged, but why does the colors on the map look a little brighter?
@Sinless because of my recording device. @Secret thanks! @xAudience i will be updating the thread with new pictures and stuff to see if its any better. @Reaper i will see what i can do... @Eightball Damn structure gotta get better with it. @Borg im gonna mess with the layout a bit more and see if that promotes better spawns. @Clique this i havent shown to too many people unless i forgot that i showed you, if i did
the map looks awesome and I'll only bring up a couple concerns. 4v4? maybe 2v2. The map was so busy, very hectic with 8 people, almost everytime you spawn you can see someone or are on someone's radar. and yeah, needs more struct. and height. The height you used was for ceilings and death pits but coulda been used for gameplay to save on pieces. Other than that, you got yourself a nice map in the works. looks like a breath of fresh air in terms of aesthetic. Good job.
Send me an inv next time I'm on, so I can check this out and maybe help you with adding more structure to the map.