So ive been drawing lately. In boredom, this was made on the back of an incomplete assignment. Sadly, the teacher didnt add any extra credit for it lol. (this was made before reach came out)
Wow this looks sweet. I'm only good at drawing when I'm looking at something. I wish I could just make up **** like this.
you see, the key is knowing facial features in most creatures. Making it up isnt really the issue. its starting it out. Here's advice. Start with an eye. The position or angle its in can ussually determine where the piece is going. Next comes the creases around the eyes. And then facial features... Never be afraid to exaggerate when making cartoons.
I don't know how you people do it, but Robo, this is really good. So much creativity and detail- it's cool, I like it. Share more, please.
i do the same thing, starting with the eyes and using those shapes to determine how i do the rest. post some more stuff man!
You're a ****ing boss. Please draw more ugly creatures, for some reason the they make me jizz in my pants.
i am humbled, this type of style has always been beyond my reach for some reason. good ****, keep it comin' !
If you can make that face through digital drawings, I will make the greatest meme ever. Other than that, very nice creative skills you got thar.