Get over yourself, Real Steel was fun to watch, and the Hunger Games was filmed badly. Laughing at someone for saying the "cinematography" was bad in a movie is like making fun of someone for disliking a song because it was recorded with shitty equipment and sound balanced poorly.
damn, that must've taken some coordination to miss that shot. any good sniper would automatically hit their target. 9/10 for the machinima, it's quite mesmerizing and I'm only a minute in.
they could have used more layers in the frame, there's like nothing going on in the background of that video
Sureal - You Take My Breath Away (DJ Tiesto Remix) - YouTube Yeah. I thought it was entertaining, and they did what they set out to do. Make a decent family movie.
because chuck cares, even if he's unwilling to admit it. [3/23/12 3:27:24 PM] corduroyCHUCK: when is RST going to realize what we're jumping on him for? [3/23/12 3:27:37 PM] corduroyCHUCK: he thinks we're just judging his taste [3/23/12 3:28:44 PM] corduroyCHUCK: its so much deeper than that. [3/23/12 3:28:51 PM] corduroyCHUCK: like Real Steel deep [3/23/12 3:36:58 PM] Essias: so tell him? [3/23/12 3:36:59 PM] Essias: lol [3/23/12 3:37:16 PM] corduroyCHUCK: he'll figure it out [3/23/12 3:37:20 PM] corduroyCHUCK: i dont care
CHUCK is just making fun of others (me) to make himself feel better. Like when girls call each other names. Who am I to take away his right to feel better about himself?
Well... [3/23/12 3:40:13 PM] corduroyCHUCK: rofl what the **** [3/23/12 3:40:17 PM] corduroyCHUCK: you just killed our fun [3/23/12 3:40:19 PM] corduroyCHUCK: for forever [3/23/12 3:40:21 PM] Essias: lol [3/23/12 3:40:24 PM] Essias: I did not [3/23/12 3:40:29 PM] Essias: I just made it extra fun for me. [3/23/12 3:40:31 PM] corduroyCHUCK: now he thinks we're trying to help him or something [3/23/12 3:40:52 PM] corduroyCHUCK: oh **** [3/23/12 3:40:54 PM] corduroyCHUCK: never mind [3/23/12 3:41:02 PM] corduroyCHUCK: he thinks im just making fun of him [3/23/12 3:41:04 PM] corduroyCHUCK: sweet
I honestly do not give half a damn about what you're "doing", it's my opinion two movies, lol. EDIT: lol V