Leviathan v4

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by PeanutPutter, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. PeanutPutter

    PeanutPutter Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Map Name: Leviathan v4
    Canvas Map: Forge World
    Creator Name(s): PeanutPutter
    Last Updated: 03/21/2008

    Player Count: 2-8
    Recommended Gametypes: Slayer/Objective
    Supported Gametypes: FFA, Doubles, 4v4 Team Slayer, Oddball, Assault, CT

    Download: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=27373319&player=PeanutPutter

    Leviathan v4 is a symmetrical that I have been working on for quite some time now. The map blends a mixture of long lines of sight and close quarters combat. The map, in its current state, has evolved and has been much improved since I released its predecessors. This map would work well as a competitive map. Its bread and butter should be in the Arena because it demands solid team work and strategy.

    Sniper Rifle X 2: 1 spare @ 180
    Rocket Launcher X 1: 1 spare @ 180
    Grenade Launcher X 1: 5 spares
    DMR X 10: 1 spare @ 40
    Shotgun X 2: no spare @ 120
    Sword X 1: @ 180
    Needle Rifle X 2: 1 spare @ 45
    Plasma Pistol X 2: @ 50
    Plasma Repeater X 2: @ 30
    Plasma Rifle X 2: @ 30
    Concussion Rifle X 2: no spare @ 120
    Frag Grenade X 4: @ 40
    Plasma Grenade X 5: @ 30
    Health Pack X 3 @ 30



    Rocks Side Overview


    Rocket Spawn


    Ocean Side Overview


    Grenade Launcher Spawn


    View From Grenade Launcher Spawn


    Sword Spawn


    Blue Sniper Spawn


    Blue Shot Gun Spawn/Lift


    Blue Flat -> view into plasma pistol spawn left and plasma rifle spawn right


    Reverse Angle Blue Flat Plasma Rifle shown


    Gold Objective (it rest on the left corner of 4x4 corner.


    Concussion and Needle Rifle Spawn


    View from underneath Gold needle rifle spawn

    #1 PeanutPutter, Mar 22, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2012
  2. Superflydemon

    Superflydemon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Uhhhh I think upon playing this id have a seizure.
  3. PeanutPutter

    PeanutPutter Forerunner

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    You should at least play the map before saying something that lacks constructive criticism.
  4. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Notice how much glass you have on the map. *Anyone* playing this would have a seizure.
  5. PeanutPutter

    PeanutPutter Forerunner

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    Come on guys...no one in here has downloaded...i know because i just updated it and there are no downloads. As soon as I can finally round up a complete 4v4 will post the video for game play, I just do not see how anyone can judge this without seeing all the different and unique lines of sight I've created. Thank you for the concern about the glass you two, but help me out. at least give it a try. I've read many of your posts 4shot and all things considered that was one of your kinder posts :). But you are honest, and you do say what it is you are thinking. That's helpful. I would really like to have your input and insight into how you think it would play out. You might just be surprised.

    Edited by merge:

    I realize from the overview that there is lots of glass. The canopy is just that. looking at the map with jetpack from above or from the ground below it does not act like vertical glass. Same with the flooring...it gives off a cool green blue, not a harsh white. It does not affect frame rate anymore.
    #5 PeanutPutter, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  6. Phoxnex45

    Phoxnex45 Promethean

    Likes Received:
    it kinda looks like forge art
    not much more i can say about it :/
  7. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Promethean

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    All of you people commenting are noobs. Either give the man some real feedback or gtfo. I mean really, what kinda comment is, "it kinda looks like forge art?" Does that help him fix the map in any way or give him ideas on where to take it? Go home. "Look at how much glass you used." Really? Astute observation 4shot.

    Look, here's the quick and dirty: Your forging on this map is sloppy and inefficient. However, building a clean map is something that comes with practice building more maps and learning how best to use a piece in order to get the desired effect. Throwing pieces together to force a shape you want will not impress anyone. Again, it's just learning how to utilize Forge's limitations in a way that benefit your maps look rather than hindering it.

    I really like that you've attempted something original here with the central area in the first picture. It is unique and looks to provide some interesting game-play. I would scrap all the other stuff you've got and rebuild that central area from scratch, but this time really think about your connections and the best, cleanest, most efficient way you could build it. The 3x3 flats phased into one another look especially bad because of the glass parts merging on top of one another.

    Everything surrounding mid is pretty weak in comparison to what you've tried to do in the middle. I think you could come up with some better playspaces that feel more connected in terms of style and dance floor. Right now everything sort of feels diconnected, especially the areas with the coliseum window roofs. Using crates as cover in the middle of a walkway also comes across as, no offense, laziness.

    Send me a friend request and I'll help you out in Forge if you'd like.
    #7 UnfrozenLynx, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  8. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Peanut, since seeing the map the other day, I thought it looked pretty bad ass. I'm definitely putting it on the list of maps for my testing lobbies... Unfortunately I'm positive that it won't support split screen (MM DQ), but the map looks sick as hell. Good work my military brother. ;)
  9. PeanutPutter

    PeanutPutter Forerunner

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    lynx, sent you a friend request. thank you for noticing and saying something about the nonsense above. Your choice of adjectives and adverbs tasted sour, but I'm looking forward to your insight and explanations.

    schnitzel, i agree with 99% of what you said in your post. I'm very glad you liked it. Thank you for the compliment. I would also very much like to hear your suggestions.
    #9 PeanutPutter, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  10. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Promethean

    Likes Received:
    Sorry, I tend to word my feedback in a frank manner sometimes via text and I get a bit overzealous at times. I was just trying to drive a point home, but I do think you've got a lot of potential here that just needs some major revisions to bring out the full potential.
  11. PeanutPutter

    PeanutPutter Forerunner

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    Schnitzel. Will send you a friend request when i get home today around noon. Would love to take you up on your offer to play test. Whatever time is good for you I'll make it work. Even if this thing never makes it into matchmaking, I'm very glad to be welcomed and received generally by the forgehub community. I hope those that have downloaded aren't disappointed and appreciate the unique aesthetics and game play I believe Leviathan v4 provides.
  12. SawtoothMoney86

    SawtoothMoney86 Promethean

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    Here's what the map does well: it utalizes the rocks well but like lynx said it's kind of sloppy, the objects look forced and don't flow as well, but once again good forging comes with practice
  13. PeanutPutter

    PeanutPutter Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    In future posts, please stop using negative words like sloppy unless there is some kind of solution or constructive criticism. I'm glad someone finally likes the rocks.

    Edited by merge:

    Anybody have some feedback that has actually played the map?
    #13 PeanutPutter, Mar 28, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012

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