Alright, so I am curious about why most people hate Rocket Hog Race? I personally love it. It seems to take the stress out of the game, but is competitive at the same time. Crazy **** happens that makes you go "HOOLY ****!!" My cousins and I play it a lot when we can, but most people in Multi-team always vote for slayer based games, and when they don't get a slayer based game, they just kill anyway, which doesn't do justice for RHR. Plus there are only two maps on MM, which really sucks. We need to make more. So I'm just curious, do you hate it? Do you love it? Explain? [bungievid]26240261[/bungievid]
I like to play it with friends, but on your own it's not that much fun because you can't really cooperate all the time and that can get frustrating. However, I'd rather play this in Custom Games than in Matchmaking, as it's even more fun if you know against whom you're playing. Overall, I gotta go for "love it".
Because Warthogs handle terribly, there's no maps built for them, and it's practically impossible to work together. Which is why Chuck, Camo and I made Don't EMP me bro.
Warthogs do have their 'tarded moment, and you're right about the maps, but its not that hard to work together. I have TONS of films saved because eventually, I am going to get around and attempt to make a RHR Montage. And I have made a map for RHR, but I've never got to test it, so its probably terrible, actually.
I hate it because I like killing people consistently, which you can't do in RHR. It's boring to drive around in circles and in all the times I played it, nothing cool ever happened. If I'm bored, with some friends, and just want to **** around, then I'll play it, but 9/10 I don't play that ****.
I like it fine but Rocket Race is better due to 1. the maneuverability of the mongoose vs. the hog, 2. the smaller target (blasting a 'goose takes more skill), and 3. the much smaller amount of explosives flying around. Rocket race with Reach settings (where you reset to your vehicle automatically) is aces. Rocket hog race is fine on a big open map like Hemorrhage, but still not as fun as rocket race - and on all non-Hemorrhage maps it sucks because it's too easy to get hung up on terrain and have people just pile on. Also, having 3 per team in rocket hog race ups the possibility of people ****ing off or griefing. I played this game recently where the guy in the passenger seat deliberately fired rockets into the ground to flip our own hog over. That said, I do enjoy EMPing people in rocket hog race. I've made some amazing saves from the side seat where I stopped my team's biggest rival one inch short of a goal, allowing us to grab it instead.
I just wish it would get its own playlist like Grifball. It just seems like its getting forgotten because it doesn't have its own playlist, because daily challenges drown it out (Because most people go to Multiteam to get their challenges.)
I do agree that Rocket Race IS more fun, but not with the Reach engine. H3 Rocket race was WAY better than Grifball, RHR or RR in H3 Or H:R. EDIT: And thats why 90% of the time I go into Multi-team with a full team, and not just some random.
Why is the Reach engine so radically different from the H3 engine for rocket race in particular? I liked rocket race in 3, but griefing was a huge problem since you could abandon your vehicle and just be an asshole.
H3 the gravity that affects the vehicles was WAY different. You can't Rocket jump anymore in H:R, Which was a HUGE part of RR back in H3.
It wouldn't work. :| 4v4 playlist, not 2v2v2v2 (3v3v3v3) But grifball needs to just be in Action sack.
I'm confused - you can still flip a mongoose with a rocket pretty easily, can't you? How different is it? Serious question, I've paid very little attention to this. I will say this: I made a minigame based on rocket race where you just use concussion rifles instead of rockets. Highly awesome. I haven't played it outside the custom "stadium" I made but I imagine it would be fun just subbing that in on Hemorrhage in place of the regular rocket race gametype.
Custom Server browser in Halo 4. That way there won't have to be any playlist for shitty minigames like Grifball, Living Dead and Rocket Race.
Halo Reach is the reason why I 99% of the time play forge or customs and not MM. Ive never had an issue with rocket race, but I am much more of a team player than many (or so I am now finding out). I can completely understand the hate for it though and more than once I have groaned at the sometimes boring events of RHR, or my idiotic teammates (when I used to play MM).
:| Not flipping others mongeese, Flipping your own mongeese to launch yourself to the point. Denied - A Halo 3 Rocket Race Montage - YouTube There is no more of that. EDIT: and Apparently Devinish appeared in it.
Rocket race is so much more fun with mongooses because they are smaller and it makes for much more awesome gameplay if the hogs don't flip as much