I tend to hoard stupid things like boxes from packages I get in the mail, because this little voice in my head tells me they might come in handy at one point or another. I also have about 20 360 games that I haven't played in a while, but won't get rid of them because I keep telling myself I'll play them again one day. That day seldom comes...
And it's sort of like a collection. People don't get rid of DVDs or CDs that they buy, why get rid of games?
Because obviously you are not going to play it again because only cinema is worth coming back to. /sarcasm
Blah blah blah, my parents are rich, I can go to spain, blah blah blah, asian blue boobs. EDIT: Missed an "i".
It was fun while it lasted. Hey can someone recommend me a movie to watch on Netflix instant stream. Preferably something revelatory like The Wave or Exit Through the Gift Shop.
Mother AntiChrist (proceed with serious ****ing caution, brutal as ****) Irreversible (proceed with serious ****ing caution, brutal as ****, not quite as brutal as antichrist) wow, revelatory movies are ****ing brutal. F For Fake if it's still on instant. Punch-Drunk Love and for just a good documentary, Senna or Being Elmo