[READ!] Please disregard the music if you don't care for it, (Though I did remix the track from the original) I was just going for something new and experimenting with it but otherwise I would like to know your opinion on the editing, what I did right, what I did wrong. And a thumbs up on youtube would be great if you think this is good for my second ever attempt at using sony vegas. Thank you. OCE #2 5 msr feed - YouTube Also, what kind of improvement do you think I made from the first one. First edit here Spoiler OCE: edit attempt #2 - YouTube
all the way up to the main clip part was fairly good. However, keeping the rain effect with the black was very offputting, and was too overpowering omho. Great effort though. Keep working at it and playing with it, and come up with a style that suits you.
A few suggestions: Do what you can to get the clip captured in HD The circular blur mask was overwhelming, try toning it down a little. The color correction was a bit too heavy for my taste. Some people like the heavy thing, but it turns me off. The syncing was pretty good. Try using some angles during the clip, not just in the beginning Do your best not to include the death in the clip, or if you do, perhaps do it stylistically. That's all from me, for now.
Yes I agree with Rho. Definitely try to get more angles on your clip rather than just the first person view. When you sync these together you get some pretty awesome shots.
Alright. I couldn't decide if I could keep it while the screen was black or not and I thought it may be boring without it. But understood. Thank you. It actually is in HD though it's only 720p rendered from the game. :/ Reduce blur, got it. I think I will remove the black almost completely from the main clip and reduce the blur to where that black was. Yeah, I sort of like it. I've tried to get a little brighter color correction in magic bullet though MW3 just looks brown no matter what, making it darker seems to be the only way I personally like it. Glad you liked the syncing, when I do my next edit I'm going to try using velocity rather than stretching just to make it a little cleaner. i was thinking about getting a 3rd person flycam around the body as it was falling, is that kind of what you were talking about? Ok, good idea. Maybe some synced 3rd person and fly cams. It would also make my video not miss too many key sync points. Thanks everyone for the tips. I'm going to keep on this **** and try and make it better.
What did you use to capture? This quality, regardless of what youtube, could look better. If you used an HD PVR and this is what it looks like, I recommend changing your render settings. EDIT: For example (pardon me because this is the only COD video I ever did) Carb8n : There's more to COD than Twixtor - YouTube But even without using youtube's 720p option, it looks less grainy than yours. It may just be what you captured it with. On another note, I haven't watched my own stuff in a long time. That end card was shitty. I feel like I did this quickly, because the final "Carb8n" is just blah. Anywho...
Sadly, I don't have money to go and spend it on any capture card. :/ I just use the render on mw3 itself, which isss hd, though not very good apparently. My render setting are set off of a tutorial so they should be pretty good, so that must be my problem. Thank you for posting yours, it helps to see other ideas. It was enjoyable.