Map Title: Barrel blazer My first map Description: This is a very original map, it took me and my neighbor about 9 hours to make(I wanted to get the wall perfect). It has all weapons so it wont get boring. It is a free for all map, but can be played with teams. Alot of equipment. The reason i made this is i just got an xbox, and wanted to make maps. Pics... Download Barrel Blazer
This map looks strange yet it could be highly enjoyable. I'll try it first post BTW. And welcome to Forgehub.
Welcome to Forge Hub!(and Halo 3?) Your map and thread look very good for a starter! Good job! But you posted the same pic three times... ',:\ NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I didn't get first post awww!
not a bad map for just messing around but most maps have only 3 at most power weapons for that size of map, but good job making a map and the walls do look very well (a mojor problem i have is with walls...)
Im suprised people like this, i like it, but most people would own this map up, and say it sucks. 4/5
Welcome to Forgehub! You first map looks very neat and tidy, which is a very good thing. The layout seems simple, but I bet its fun. The one thing you might wish to avoid with future maps is placing all weapons and power ups in a map. I would try picking a select few weapons that would work well for the map. For example with your map above, the sniper rifles and battle rifles probably wouldn't be used too much. Its definitely a thought process you should try to use for future maps. This is a great start! Welcome again!
Im not positive the pics some it all up.( is there more floors?) I barely saw some crates on the first pic though. Great start though. Very unique idea.
awesome map. Looks very fun for just messing around, lots of weapons for total destruction, sometimes that can be bad though. nice.
WHen I saw the name I thought it was a rip off of barrel blaster but it isnt. Looks very small and as if it would provide a lot of spawn killing and frustration.
Is this a small square arena with weapons scattered and a bunch of barrels? That's what I get from the pictures.
i agree with the lowering the weapon count deal, especially taking out sword, shotgun, and flamethrower. actually looks cool tho it's weird, 1 more suggestion try getting a pic from directly above the map, might be easier if u temporarily removed the top section of the walls. initial reaction 8/10 (too many weapons) i would personally make it br's only xD, but most on fh probably wouldnt
Wow, yeah, as everyone else said, this is very nice for a first time FHer and Haloer (wow, I'm ashamed to have just made those words up). The walls are very nicely done, and 'grats on the pics as well. Very clean, organized post. Now, to the things I recommend:::::::::::::colon:: *There is a section for "Casual Maps." Your use of every weapon might not be so unaccepted there. Here in "Competitive," you might encounter a little less "lee-way." *If you choose to continue in Competitive Maps (I RECOMMEND THIS), steer towards edgy playability and fast-paced, in your face gaming. Mini-games and things of that sort very, and I mean very, rarely succeed as Competitive Maps. (I can only think of the Rave Gametypes, which are amazing *claps for Chips*) *Move around ForgeHub a bit. Learn the ropes, it took me...I mean, I still don't think I handle it very well, but just try to get a feel for how everything works. If you've visited Bnet for any amount of time, you'll find your stay here at ForgeHub to be calm, comfortable, and genuinely awesome. Welcome, bro! Hope to see you around!
Welcome to Forgehub! I remember when I used to make these crazy-play maps, they rule. You did an excellent job for your first time. I usually suck at putting walls perfectly on top of each other.