Countries of Reach 4 Teams. 4 Countries. 1 Winner. Hello, everyone. You can call me Whales. Countries of Reach—or CoR for short—is a popular role-playing game that was created on April 12th, 2011, which was placed on Forge World. I was one of the creators of CoR, the main designer being Sgt Caolan. However, I am sometimes credited as being the main designer of CoR for balancing, promoting, and fixing any and all issues found in CoR. In my opinion, CoR has to be one of the most popular RPGs with a big growing fan-base in Halo: Reach. I have seen many versions of CoR, but Sgt Caolan and I always use the version we worked on together (because we just love it so much!). I highly recommend you download and use the updated version of CoR for many reasons stated in the next paragraph. The base version of CoR doesn't support the use of Elite characters, and the latest version has many things that have been fixed throughout time like spawning, jail doors, vehicle add-ons, weapon add-ons, base defenses, etc. The current version of CoR not only supports Slayer, but also CTF, Territories, and Assault, which have been recently added for a more entertaining experience with CoR. Now I'm about to go in-depth explaining what each gametype is, what CoR is, how to play and rules of the RPG, etc. CoR was originally made for 4 Teams. However, for an additional entertaining experience with the role-playing game, I have added Territories and Assault, which only support two teams (Red and Blue). The teams that CoR has is: Red Team (Russia), which is located inside the Coliseum; Green Team (Ireland), which is located on the Island; Gold Team/Orange Team (Germany), which is located on Alaska; Blue Team (United States of America), which is located near the beach on the Canyon/Hemorrhage. Slayer and CTF are very similar to each other, CTF just having a more objective feeling to the game unlike the regular Slayer gametype. However, both are very objective-based and are very fun! Slayer and CTF are the only two gametypes to have all 4 countries on the map. The only difference is that Germany/Gold Team is supported on the Slayer gametype and Germany/Orange Team is supported on the CTF gametype. Germany/Orange Team is to only be used in CTF because Germany/Gold Team was the first team to be created for Germany, and Germany/Orange Team spawns are only supported for CTF. Territories and Assault are the only two gametypes to support only 2 teams. They both are placed on the opposite sides of Forge World. Russia/Red Team is located inside the Coliseum and America/Blue Team is located on the Canyon/Hemorrhage. Each are heavily Objective-based and are great if you only want to play with just two teams. The Slayer version of CoR was the first gametype to be created. After, Territories was made for CoR, then CTF, and then Assault. How to play: CoR was mainly created for 4 teams in which each team would create alliances and adversaries. You would eventually try conquering all the countries to rise as the MAIN World Power before you get conquered—this is the main focus of the game. Of course you want your country to win! You don't want to lose! It's highly recommended you work together with your team, but going as a lone wolf and covert helps as long as your team knows. Have a plan, have a strategy, and have nice teamwork in order for your team/country to triumph over the others. Rules of CoR: You can only make alliances in the Slayer and CTF gametypes. A team can only be conquered once ALL the team members are inside the jail cell. Countries may have a leader (and co-leader) at the decision of the game's party leader or the team itself. One team can merge with an ally into their team if they all agree. If a team needs help getting out of a jail cell one member may switch to the ally's team to tell them they need help, and THAT IS ALL. You can only receive help from an ALLY. Once a member from another team comes up to your jail cell and says something like, "You are conquered. Switch now." you must switch to that designated team. You cannot switch to your ally's team because they did NOT defeat you and you did NOT agree for a merge. Rocket 'Hogs may not be flipped out of their zones. They are meant to stay STATIONARY. It doesn't matter if one team that conquered another didn't kill them. The only way for a team to be conquered is if another team visits the other team's jail cell to claim the power, regardless if that team claiming power killed them or not. It is recommended that if a team is defeated by more than 1 of the other teams, that the teams that allied to take down the others split the members as evenly as possible. Players must stay in game chat in order to listen to others and participate. It'll guarantee a GOOD game and deliver the BEST experience. In the CTF gametype you can win by capturing all the teams or by scoring. In the Territories gametype you can win by hitting the 1 hour cap with the highest score, or by capturing the other team. In the Assault gametype you can win by capturing the other team or by scoring. Players can send Xbox LIVE messages or say something in a Private Chat or Party at their own discretion and/or of that of the team/country leader. It is recommended that a message be sent as the host of the game may kick you at any time. Links for download: Countries of Reach [Map] Assault of the Countries [Assault Gametype] Countries CTF [CTF Gametype] Countries and Territories [Territories Gametype] World Powers [Slayer Gametype] Some pictures:This is Germany (Gold/Orange Team). You can clearly see the jail cell to the right of the structure with the spawn points. You have to press these land mines in order to free the players that have died. Behind the "Spawn Structure" as I'll call it, is an armory. Every base has an armory. This is the U.S. base. This is the Russian base. Beware—the Russian base is highly fortified and has extraordinary defenses in place!
This sounds super interesting, but I think you need pics still. Also, could you explain a little bit more about how the game works, because from reading that, it sounds really confusing.
Haven't been able to get pics to this day haha. I basically explained every function of the game. Pretty much all I can go in-depth with is the vehicles, weapons, and layout of each base, and that isn't that much.
I don't think so. My brain loves base\weapon\vehicle information munchies. Because this seems like it would be a weird type of gameplay, and I could barely understand it. Is there some objective in Slayer (A weapon or something) or is it like pvp?
I've been waiting for something like this in Reach. As ComicJosh said, you do need pictures, not only to help us understand layout, but it's also part of standards. Anyway, onto the gametype- Of course, honor rules are not my(nor anyones, should I mention) favorite, as it means you can't just plop it on and jump right in. I realize that this could only be made with honor rules, and I respect that, as the rules you put seem fair and logical. I only have questions on a few, such as, "What do you mean by jail?" and, "I didn't know you could capture players.". Ok, so that last one wasn't a question, but bear with me. Some more elaboration could be helpful, or like CosmicJosh and I said, pictures. Whoa, I type way to much. But that's fine with me. TO SUMMERIZE IN ONE SENTENCE; Well done, but please elaborate some more on the honor rules. P.S. How many players would you recommend? A full 16-player game, for 4v4v4v4?
I would say it's like PvP, like Star Wars: The Old Republic. The objective is to become the World Power by conquering all the other countries. Up until the near end when only two teams stand, and if you're both allies, one team is bound to start shooting the other which will start an all-out war. That's one thing you have to be very careful about. With weapons, each base has two Rocket Launchers, a Grenade Launcher, 4 grenades that spawn quickly, a health pack, 4 Magnums, shotguns, DMRs and Assault Rifles. A few bases have Machine Gun Turrets, too. Each base has a Falcon, except for Russia which has 2. Russia has no 'Hogs besides the Rocket ones which you can't drive. Each base besides Russia has one regular Warthog and two Mongooses. The other bases also have one Rocket 'Hog to defend against aerial assaults, but Russia has two since it's non-contiguous with the land. Edited by merge: I finally added pictures to elaborate on the features and layout this game has. I'll probably add more later since it's pretty late here. By jail cells, it means that once you die you will spawn in a jail cell. A jail cell is blocked by a fusion coil and a land mine which can only be destroyed from the outside. A player from the outside has to press the land mine in order to remove the fusion coil that's blocking everyone's way of escaping. These jail cells are in place because a team can get captured or conquered... eventually. By capturing/conquering another team, all the players of let's say Blue Team/America have to be in their jail cell. If Red Team/Russia is trying to capture them, but there's one more person missing, they cannot conquer them and have to kill the last survivor. Beware that stupidity can appear on a team (in this case Red/Russia) trying to conquer another team (in this case Blue/America), because someone may put a vehicle close to the walls of the jail cell allowing someone inside to hijack the outsider and make for an intense getaway. Someone may also open the door on accident or to mess up their own team—one reason why these "honor rules" are in place. Hopefully more people will ask for pictures, but I'll be sure to put some later. P.S. I recommend, like the thread says, 12–16 players. 12 players creates a 3v3v3v3 and 16 players creates a 4v4v4v4.
Hmm, really interesting thing that you have going. So, if somebody spawns up at the hanger, how are they supposed to get down to the other locations? Are there teleporters? I'm very confused.
With the Falcons. Also, behind some sort of wall there are Jet Packs for the Russian players. For the objective based games, like in the regular Halo: Combat Evolved, you can carry the flag and the bomb while being in a driver's seat and gunner seat.