Petition to Remove Radar in FH Throwdown 1v1

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by aPK, Mar 10, 2012.

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  1. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
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    It's called a motion tracker and keeping it in a 1v1 would be foolish. 1v1s' are meant to be played without a MT.
  2. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
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    I clearly remember asking about it and it boiled down to "No radar resulted into people getting assassinated too often.". I can't remember who posted that, though. I don't think the thread is visible anymore either.
  3. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
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    Multitude of reasons?

    Good start now keep going. Explain yourself.

    Though a radar 1v1 could be strategic and skillful, it depends how the players decide to play. The way I see it: if someone is willing to play like a *****, then radar 1v1 is broken. It reward players for crouch walking through the map, rather than flanking.

    Regardless on how you choose to play without radar, it always rewards awareness and movement. The same could not be said for no radar on all accounts.

    So the fact that no radar relies on the players to play the game like they have a pair is a problem in itself. There are always those "strategic waiters".
  4. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    So when is the contest? Because we won't be able to get any new maps past March 31 until the summer, so it seems like a bad idea to start a contest anytime soon.
  5. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Says who?

    As I recall back in H3's throwdown, the radar was enhanced. I preferred this approach because it was a lot tougher to actually outsmart the other person. I can understand no radar with a team though, because that encourages your team to communicate, as opposed to a 1v1 where there is no one to communicate with.

    lol I remember that also
  6. TDT Duke Nukem

    TDT Duke Nukem Ancient
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    You provided one point of why I like radar; the ability to manipulate someones perception of it. I also like that it allows skillfully insecure players to feel more comfortable with the awareness it provides (even if it can be manipulated into an illusion).

    If somebody chooses to exploit the features of radar by crouch walking, or camping, I don't think this necessarily breaks the gameplay. I think it would be unlikely you would have control of the map if you were slowly moving through it. Also, if someone hid in a location that could only be checked by walking into the muzzle of a camping Shotgun then isn't that an issue with the layout of the map? This is assuming the player camping is the leader. If this is how radar is considered to be broken then I don't see how no radar solves this issue. How I see it is that radar makes gameplay more dynamic in a good way.
    #26 TDT Duke Nukem, Mar 11, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2012
  7. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Forerunner

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    Having radar in a 1v1 makes the entire "seek and destroy" game-play non-existent. When I play a 1v1, I like that feeling of dread that your opponent could be right around the corner, or even behind you, at any moment. It keeps you on your toes and promotes movement. How are you supposed to outflank and outsmart your opponent when they can know exactly where you are if you aren't crouching?

    With that said, it seems pointless to debate something that hasn't even been officially announced. However, I can see where aPK is coming from when he says he wants there to be discussion about the settings before they just appear in their final form. The horrible 2v2 Throwdown settings certainly set a precedent.
    #27 UnfrozenLynx, Mar 12, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2012
  8. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
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    Camping/crouching is a viable strategy in 1v1/2v2s (and to a certain extend in bigger size matches) and it slows down the game to a crawl which makes for bad gameplay.
    With no radar you will see more movement and faster-paced better gameplay.

    That's it. No more, no less.
  9. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Enhanced is still way better, which is what the next Throwdown should have and probably will.
  10. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Forerunner

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    I wish there was a motion tracker setting that was similar to CoD's, where you are only visible on radar while firing your weapon and a few moments afterward. Otherwise, keep motion trackers out of 1v1s and 2v2s.
  11. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Naw, keep em in 1v1s n stuff.
  12. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
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    It really depends on the map in some cases.
    A 'biggish' 1 v 1 map - yes radar
    A regular and small 1 v 1 map - no radar
  13. TDT Duke Nukem

    TDT Duke Nukem Ancient
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    Manipulating the radar is and has always been applicable in any matchmaking game in any Halo (contrary to what you stated), it's been a tool I've used quite a bit since Halo CE on pc. Being sneaky has a variety of forms in a variety of games (but specifically shooters). It has it's place, a time, and a function.

    In Halo Matchmaking, the radar has never had detrimental effects on gameplay, statistics would emphasise this. The only agreeable reason I've seen for why MLG doesn't use radar was previously stated by Shanon:
    All other reasons I've seen are arguable. No-radar =/= superior skill/gameplay, it's simply a preference.

    Finally, I don't see how having no radar is going to influence players to move at greater speeds around a map. I play at a slower pace in MLG than in regular MM, and that's with teammates. I could only imagine how much slower I would take it in a 1v1, where the game is even more about getting the one up.

    I'm not trying to say you are wrong or not entitled to your opinion, but would you care to explain your reasoning behind it?

    P.S. I think I'm beginning to understand your reasoning behind enhanced radar Shanon.
  14. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
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    I guess it depends on the player. The more competitive player will prefer no radar generally because it puts encourages fast gameplay and awareness. The casual player will prefer radar generally because it slows down gameplay and holds your hands as you are nearing an encounter.
  15. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
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    Its not about encouraging teamwork, its about encouraging situational awareness. Radar acts as a crutch for lesser skilled and/or lazy players who can not or will not keep their head on the swivel. Its really not that hard to pay attention to your surroundings.
    No Radar = Higher Skill Gap
  16. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
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    Because with no radar you are free to move around without being seen on the radar. With radar a lot of people will crouch around not to be seen on the radar and try to get a jump on someone.

    It's slow, it's boring. After having played the 2v2 Throwdown I never want to see radar with such small teams again.
    #36 Overdoziz, Mar 12, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2012
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    That. Radar is extremely damaging to 1v1 play because if there's a red dot on your radar, there's just one of them. Crouch-walking gives you a heavy advantage over someone moving full speed - you know where they are but they don't know where you are. Personally I find that radar works better as a game mechanic the larger the game is - with 8+ players, radar usually doesn't trouble me, and you can still move around usually. With just two players, you have to be constantly concerned that someone is monitoring your movements, and with no other enemies to distract them, that means they have a big edge on you.
  18. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
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    Having a radar or having no radar is not about a higher skill curve or better situational awareness... it's an entirely different game.

    Playing with radar, you have the option to cloak yourself from radar movement with a standard motion tracker by crouching. You sacrifice speed, for invisibility which can cause confusion in an enemy player. Without a radar, you have two players blindly running around a map with no indication of direction as to where the enemy players are... Which goes onto what someone already addressed, whether radar is on or off, depends on the map. If a map has small sightlines, and is generally based around tunnels or enclosed spaces... the map needs radar to accellerate the gameplay. Players then have the option to reduce gameplay speed by crouch walking. Without radar, it's chance that players would run into each other to trigger a dual, which in some players instances, may result in neither players deaths by running away and being instantly cloaked at full speed without radar.

    Larger, more open maps based outdoors generally shouldn't necessarily have radar as the players should be aware of the large sightlines and should be consistently scanning for movement themselves.

    Basically, it's about balance. If the map already reveals a lot of visibility and generally allows a players sightline over the majority of the map, radar shouldn't be included as a player should be rewarded for flanking an enemy. If the map is tight and restrictive, a player is often flanked by luck and shouldn't be rewarded for walking around randomly.

    If it was solely up to me, and wasn't for discussion; I'd create two gametypes with and without radar and assign a gametype to a specific map to create the best balance between the map and gametype for the best playability.
  19. aPK

    aPK Greatest Forger Alive
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    This is all I had to read to know that you have no idea what you are talking about.

    Is Quake played with radars? Are you saying Quake players blindly run around looking for each other?

    Yes, it's a different game, but the same thing can be said about Halo. Have you never heard of predicting player movement? It's a skill that you are apparently not familiar with.

    Crouching slows down gameplay -> Slower gameplay is less skillful. That is true across any task. Being able to do something quickly is much more skillful as doing the same thing with the same efficiency with significantly slower speed.

    The reality is that we're going to get radar, because apparently too many people are insecure about their skill that they need crutches to provide them information that takes skill to obtain without radar.


    I also want to point out that no one was disagreeing with you that it's "a different game". Taken from the OP:

    "I am not saying that there are no positives that can result from gameplay with radar enabled. What I am simply saying is that radar-less gameplay has proven to be more enjoyable and more skillful to more people, and that is what should matter."
    #39 aPK, Mar 12, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2012
  20. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
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    Well clearly none of the maps in the last Throwdown (the ones that I played) were well balanced with radar. Especially that The Pit wanna-be map was terrible. Players would stay crouched in a room with the Sniper waiting for people to come to them. Such great gameplay.
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