In a 1v1 setting, predicting player movement is a huge skill within and of itself. In a 1v1 setting, player movement is a huge skill within and of itself. Having radar in a 1v1 environment equates to taking a piss on those two skills. Without radar, the 1v1 FH Throwdown tournament will not produce the quality of gameplay that the tournament could with radar disabled. That is a guarantee that I and anyone with a good grasp of gameplay logic could make. I am not saying that there are no positives that can result from gameplay with radar enabled. What I am simply saying is that radar-less gameplay has proven to be more enjoyable and more skillful to more people, and that is what should matter.
"Hey look, I figured something out before everyone else, hurr durr, I better ***** about the settings before they're even released, and seem like I knew something before everyone else" Congrats, mission accomplished, do you feel special now? This thread should be locked/deleted.
I don't really understand why you're so upset about this. It's almost like you feel personally insulted. Calm down, bro.
T1 - 1v1 T2 - 2v2 T3 - 1v1 T4 - 2v2 T5 - ?v? No prizes for guessing that... Like RST said, this thread is silly. Too much spam. Discussing radar VS no radar is fine and all, so the thread is that. Everything else? Meh.
I never said it was anything special about knowing. As Reflex pointed out, it's pretty obvious. The reason I made the thread now is because there is never any time to discuss anything beforehand, and as far as I know, the settings just get released and then it starts. This thread was made in hopes of trying to better understand why radar is used, and to provide solid points in favor of no radar in order to get it considered before settings are finalized.
Thank you Polish. I support this request. I didn't bother with the 2v2 showdown because I didn't like the settings. A 1v1 showdown would be pretty fun though.... If we have decent settings for it.
Radar and no radar require different skillsets altogether. I am a fan of radar for a multitude of reasons, and I disagree with your opinion that "anyone with a good grasp of gameplay logic" would see it the way you do. The bottom line is that you have an opinion, not some undeniable truth. That being said, the intent of this thread is to explore the options of 1v1 radar/radarless gameplay. Even though I haven't been in a throwdown and there seems to be confusion over this ones existence, I would opt for radar. But there are so many variables that should be accounted for, like map layout for example, or the demographic. About half of the OP is flame-bait. But I agree...