So tell Me, What do you think is the coolest wieldable weapon in Halo? If you see one you like in the poll, vote on it, if not: Pick your weapon, explain why you like it, and provide at least one image. I nominate the Needler ('cause it's pink) wield
Brute Shot. Because it has a massive-ass blade on the back that rivals the plasma sword in awesomeness.
Artifact wins the thread. My vote would be for the concussion rifle. I think it's my favorite-looking covie weapon.
Ive always been quite partial to the plasma launcher. Its blue and shiney and shoots fuzzy/sticky things
I agree the H4 BR looks badass. But the assualt rifle? Really? It looks like ass. Assrifle. I actually really like the DMR and would someday like to build a replica of it that would fire a .223 or.308 round. Anyone ever notice the similarities between the the BR and a FAMAS? Everything from the top rail sights to the fact that it's a 3 shot burst?
Ass salt rifle, as the ch33f says. I know, they even added a sight that from the side looks like it could be a iron sight.
my fave one smooth son of a *****
Why, the Nex. I was playing (Halo) in my room once, and my brother stepped in, looked confused for a second and asked me why I was wrestling with a dolphin.