Arcadia "...This city had once been larger and more populous, though it's true scale is difficult to judge..." Arcadia is a 4v4 Team Slayer/Arena map with support for CTF, King of the Hill, Juggernaut and Infection. This map actually started out as a BTB size map. And since, has been revamped because of budget issues and size. As of right now, no framerate detected in fullscreen, but you can expect a disco effect in split screen. I've already removed objects and covered up glass, but I wanna keep the map as it is. If I end up submitting it to The Library I'll obviously make it split screen playable. Arcadia has a playstyle slightly similar to Asylum. There is a circular-like structure in the middle; based off architecture from planet Arcadia (one of the Halo planets.) The custom powerup in the middle quickly gets you out of trouble; giving you a slight speed burst. Blue and Red bases are the same, which are connected down the center of the map by the middle structure, (yellow) back hallway (green) and the high teleporter platform (purple.) I think the map has some unique sightlines and a different flow rather than the typical circular flow of an arena map. Since there are lots of ramps that lead to top purple I removed the power weapon from up there, and placed a sender node. A rocket launcher was then placed near the receiver. The receiver is at the bottom of the map, forcing the players to cycle back through the map upward. I had a lot of help from the very start from my forge apprentice in training; FantasticNoob79, and also thefightdude for giving me the teleporter idea. The map has undergone some play tests but is not quite ready for release. Also, I'm not giving out the weapons list yet; further testing may reveal a new set-up. Being in the BIOC staff I've been busy with Infection maps so this is my first shot at a competitive map in months. That being said, I wanna know what you guys think of the map. Comment, criticize, whatever! Pictures
Looks like a fun layout. I'm not sure about the fx though, it looks a little rough on the eyes in the pics. I don't know if frame rate is at all a problem, but if it is I'd ditch the railings since they have lights. The one in the third pic for example, could be replaced by the top of a class cover piece which would do the same thing but avoid the lights.
Its not an FX ... its just photoshoped . Also you did a really good job for that map ... You best map ever ! Good layout , Good Aesthetic , Good Weapon Choice ..... We should make a map together this week ..... we really need to .
Thanks for the feedback. Its probably gunna help. So Yeah the fx are just photo effects I added with the text. There's no fx on the map. When I release the map I'll probably post unedited pics, or at least turn the effect down. Framerate is only seen in split screen. But I'm probably gunna ditch everything that has lights so its split screen playable. I'll try out the cover glass upside down for the railing. Sounds like it would work better too. Thanks again dude. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Yup, let's do it. Ill see ya online sometime this week.
Wow, this actually looks pretty bosstacular... I enjoy the consistency of the pieces you have used, the architecture does seem to flow very well even though it is a very basic arena map. The rock areas look pretty cool aswell, you just have to make sure the aren't too bumpy.
Ya that's one thing you'll notice. I don't switch my pieces up very much. Like to keep it clean. and don't worry, I know how to make rock beds. You can walk smoothly over the Rocks area. If you look closely there's a quick way up the rocks up to purple.
And Jan, that's a classy map. I just wish it wouldn't lag in splitscreen so we could submit it to The Library.