Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Security

    Security Ancient
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    It makes sense that Reach would be different considering it's a spin-off, but Halo 4 is not, and should not deviate.
  2. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    No, he described some changes possibly being implemented in Halo 4. Not Call of Duty? How do I know this you ask? You asked. I know this because Oli said 'Change of pace' and 'change of music'. Now tell me this, does CoD change? No. Not a description of CoD. New Halo, some will like, some will hate, some will join, some will leave. Thats how all sequels and new games of existing lore are. Except Call of Duty, because that never changes.
  3. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Developers hate this kind of sentiment by the way.

    What level of deviation would you deem fine? Why even bother with halo 4. Lets just repackage Halo 2 with improved graphics.

    Or I know, have halo 4's campaign but halo 2's multiplayer, graphics and all. That's what everyone wants right? Oh right people want new maps, vehicles, and weapons too. Ok how about this, Halo 2's multiplayer with a built in imagination item creator. You go into halo 2's multiplayer and whatever new thing you think should be in the map appears.

    As I said before, we don't know enough about what the system is going to be like, don't develop preconceived beliefs of negativity just because of some rumors that some guy heard from some other guy who heard from some other guy.
  4. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    Thank you. For once some sense has come about someone in this thread. Stop speculating on crap you don't know about. You've Seen < 30 seconds of anything close to gameplay, and the information that has been released has been very vague. Don't jump to assumptions just because you think H4 should be how you want it to be and nobody else. You think 343 gives a **** what one person thinks. There will be some things some like and some dislike. I personally, am a fan of armour abilities in Reach. Some people are not. If you can only make assumptions about a game on very limited info, then don't. Shut the **** up and wait for more info before you go making wild assumptions about a game you know **** all about.
  5. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Oh sorry, I didn't know I was talking to a game developer expert.

    But think about it like this. How much did the core gameplay mechanics change from Halo CE --> Halo 2 --> Halo 3. Not very much. The most that changed was equipment, which didn't affect the core gameplay very much at all. Now think how much changed from Halo 3 --> Halo Reach. More than before. Especially armor abilities, which did change the core gameplay. I'm all for adding new things, but at the end of the day I want Halo multiplayer to be about everyone in the game being on equal ground when they spawn. I don't blame Halo Reach for armor abilities. It was a spin-off and it gets to do things like that. Halo 4 does not and should not.

    And hey, I'm Mr. Positive. I have nothing to complain about from the trailer and I don't believe this whole perk nonsense.

    Nobody's judging the game, they're judging a feature that may or may not be in the final game. And so what, there is a trailer out with some limited info, we might as well discuss it. Game developers may hate some things, but one thing they do not hate is discussion.
    #1145 Security, Mar 10, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2012
  6. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I don't have to be to know that telling a developer "Hey you know that last game you did? Yeah, do that again only better." pisses them off. The publisher could give a rat's ass about as long as it makes them more money.

    As an indie developer hoping to eventually work in a triple A studio I've read more gamasutra articles then I'd like to admit. There are literally hundreds of articles from game developers regarding the question, "How do you make a successful sequel to a well received original game?"

    Do you know what the answer usually is from those developers? Usually along the lines of, "To make a successful sequel we have to walk that line between keeping things familiar enough to the original so fans can still feel connected and invested in the game they loved while at the same time showing our creativity to bring new things into the game that would make the experience better".

    There is usually no perfect level of this as far as fans are concerned. While you say not much changed between CE, 2, and 3 that shows some real heavy hindsight bias. At the time fans were complaining after each new iteration about the changes. Whether it was the aesthetic changes to Master Chief's armor, or the maps, or the weapons and how they shoot, etc. People got used to the added features and adapted them into what they liked. Suddenly something a fan thought sucked before a game when they saw a bit of concept art or a trailer is something they love after the game comes out and they've played it for long enough, and then they complain when that new thing they came to like changes yet again for a new iteration. You start to understand why developers take so little stock in what "hardcore" gamers want because even they don't know what the **** they want half the time or what they want changes given enough time with an older thing.
  7. Security

    Security Ancient
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    I'm not talking about design changes or even additions. But when something changes how a game plays so fundamentally then that's when I feel the need to complain. As of now I have nothing to complain about, I'm just practicing.
  8. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Well judging from the freezeframe in the 4 minute video:


    There will be a "perk" called Grenadier that adds an extra grenade on spawn (player has a grenade count of 3, beside the Grenadier symbol there is two blank ovals and a grenade visible). This appears to be the type of thing they're going with, which is along the lines of the list Karma detailed.

    Also there appears to be a symbol above it with a bar. After staring at the symbol for a wall and slightly moving the video forward I started to think it was a skull (the halo skull art style) and potentially two elongated heads on either side (think Easter Island statues). Could be something slightly different like a skull and two pole-like objects. However, this has mean leaning toward there either being equipment which has a few uses before expiring (think Gears of War Hammer of Dawn with it's bar the goes down as you use it) or potentially Armor Abilities making their return. Both of these unfortunately support their comments of a "complex system" and while I'd be okay with an equipment system I don't look forward to armor abilities.

    This may have been mentioned I'm not sure.
  9. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    You have missed design changes and developments between the first 3 games. I don't know if played these games online, because if you did you would notice that each sequel introduced radical design changes, and only some of them caught on. If you ever ran against a team with the Gauss hog on Terminal you might have realized how absurd some of their ideas would seem. But obviously Bungie stuck to what they believed in, and developed these ideas into something more practical. Halo is about pioneering the matchmaking experience (having provided one of the first and best on xbox), while always providing content for those that love to tweak and customize.

    So what the **** are you complaining about?
    #1149 Matty, Mar 10, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2012
  10. Security

    Security Ancient
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    I hope that grenadier thing means you can get up to 3 grenades and you just start out with the same amount as everyone else.
  11. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Ever notice how these threads of tidbits of info always boil down to people posting their negative impressions and others telling them to stop being so negative.

    It's gonna happen guys people will always *****, just skim past it and move on.
  12. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
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    Same thing happened to Reach.
  13. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    this seems like the most insignificant little thing, i dont anyone could seriously be complaining about it. how is spawning with one extra frag going to alter gameplay?
  14. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Well, the dude is going to have an extra grenade to throw.


    I wouldn't get my panties in a knot over that perk though.
  15. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    Think of Zealot. When you spawned with two grenades the gameplay was dramatically different then when you spawned with one.

    And I really don't care how much 343 changes the multiplayer, just as long as all players on both teams spawn with the 100% identical loadout, no choices, then I'm fine with a dramatic overhaul of how the game plays.
  16. Security

    Security Ancient
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  17. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Go play Countdown in Squad Slayer (which is not possible anymore but whatever). That's 10 people all with 2 grenades at spawn. It's really dumb.
  18. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    Wow. I just noticed this from christphrbmnn's pic and it shows your field of vision on the radar. I'm guessing you have enhanced radar in that area.
  19. Security

    Security Ancient
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    That has literally been in the game since Halo CE. And why in the hell would you want enhanced radar in your field of view?
  20. The Trivial Prodigy

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    Will we still be able to play as Elites in multiplayer, ala H2 & 3?

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