Sol is a simple, straight forward, 2-base inverse symmetrical, arena style map. It plays Team Slayer, CTF, Assault, KOTH, Oddball, and FFA. The weapon set is very generic, as it's intended to feature the DMR. I suggest using MLG Gametypes (linked above). This map was an interesting forging experience for me, as it came together very quickly. While one of my previous maps (Avalon) was redesigned and rebuilt at least 10 times over the course of many months, Sol came together in a single weekend. Check it out and leave comments, criticisms, etc. Stuff on the Map 4 DMR's Grenade Launcher (in certain game types) 4 Frag Grenades 4 Plasma Grenades Custom Power Up, Camo, or no powerup depending on the game type 2 Health Packs Pics Looking into the base from the front View from the side of a base Front of a base and bottom mid - Grenade Launcher spawns bottom mid The sides of the map Another base pic Overview - Showing a good view of top mid (Custom/Camo spawn location) Download Sol There's a split screen version with fewer/alternate pieces which is available on my file share also, if anyone's interested.
I have to say, this looks like it would be a pretty fun CTF map. The aesthetic design is nicely done. I have never been a fan of MLG maps but i will definitely give this one a DL.
I could tell by the thumbnail, that this was going to be a good map. Just downloaded. Everything's looking pretty clean, no huge sightlines. This is a competitive map! I could see intense moments in CTF for sure. Question: Do you have to crouch jump to make it up to base from the front? (first pic)
Ey, noob. Go submit it in the "library" thing for matchmaking adoption. Need some more solid stuff there.
I think we each have our preferences for which types of maps we like, but it's always good to keep an open mind. I have an appreciation for anyone that can throw together a decent map, knowing how much effort is required. Plus I've learned a lot about how to use forge and how to design maps from looking at maps of all types. So even if a map is not made in a style I like, or for a type of gameplay I like, there's always something to be learned. Thanks for checking it out. I appreciate it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks for the compliments. There is no need to crouch for that jump. You can also jump from the base onto the 1X2 Block above the Health Pack, and vice long as the movement settings are correct. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Hey Hulter. I have no idea what you're talking about, lol. I'll check it out.
This map looks awesome and definitely deserves more attention. I really like the layout and visual cues present throughout the map. The platform Y as a railing is also something I don't think I've seen yet. Solid palette you've got going on, too. I'm wondering if top mid, while open, has too much cover present on either side of it (the 3x3 shorts). I would really like to get a game on this and find myself proven wrong, though. Once I get a game on this I'll come back with some better feedback.
Thanks for checking it out. I would like to get your thoughts on top mid if you ever get a game on it. Thanks for checking it out. I would like to get your thoughts on top mid if you ever get a game on it. Edited by merge: Update - Added lifts into the bases. - Added geometry in the area of the bases which the lifts lead to. - Tweaked some aesthetics. Check out the original post to download the updated version, or just follow the link below. Sol
Did xzamples talk to you about this map? Because him, myself, and vitrolics were playing around on this the other day and talked about how there needed to be lifts there. Is that basically a shield door lift with a grav lift being used mainly for the sound? Top mid was hardly used at all when we played our little 3 man FFA, but that was because of how much better the position, that now has a lift, was. After finding that spot, we didn't really go anywhere else. Also, I didn't really see any power weapons besides the GL. There was the CPU, but I'm wondering if there were any sniper rifles we may have missed. Sniper on this map would be fun.
No, I haven't really talked to him about the map. It was suggested in the thread in 'The Library', and it became quickly apparent to me that it was necessary. That area was intended to be a power point, but with basically only one entry point it was overpowered. The lift should help with that. And yeah, it is a shield door/grav lift combo. Shield door for a consistent lift, and grav lift as a sound cue. I generally dislike grav lifts because of the sound, but in this case I think the sound cue is necessary since it allows direct access to the most powerful part of the bases. The Grenade Launcher is the only power weapon on the map. I'm not sure which gametype you were playing if you had a Custom on the map. Unless I goofed, it was only present on a couple of the objective gametypes, with Camo replacing it some other objective gametypes. I guess I'll have to double check that. I really intended this to be a bare bones map as far as weapon set. I wanted map movement/positioning and teamwork to be the main focus. While setting up with a sniper at the lift location could be loads of fun for the person with the sniper, my feeling is that it would not really help the map play as intended, and would slow down gameplay by discouraging map movement. Thanks a lot for the feedback. If you get any games on it with the added lifts, let me know how it affects gameplay, and if you think anything else needs changing as a result.
Make sense- I may have imagined the CPU being there. We were playing on MLG Slayer v7. Sans snipers (which, especially with 2, could be a bit much for this particular map), I still think a power weapon at top mid during slayer matches would be nice and keep players moving. Even with the lifts, I still think those perches on each base will be the dominant power positions. If they are looking out over the ledge, they can still see people coming to try and use the lift. Having a 2 shot rocket or something like that a top mid would encourage players to leave that position and take the risk of grabbing a power weapon. Either that, or have the CPU/Cloak spawn in slayer gametypes as well as objective. Right now you don't have to go far for the GL, but if you want whatever is at top mid you'll have to go a lot further out of you way.
After a walkthrough and some thoughts I can see the creativity in the Aesthetics, the layout, and overall gameplay were brought into consideration. The lines of sight are varied and consistant as you want to move in order to be able to know where the enemy is. Top mid I see needs teamwork to control and not some trigger happy moron, a consistant use of the los blockers from top mid can give you effective control. But it is still very breakable as the los blockers are the only cover, usually forcing you to retreat to bottom mid and back to base to recollect yourself. This effectively promotes the most movment as you are constantly needing to move away for cover, maybe not intentional but effective. My issue is spawning in odd locations, near the opponent sometimes. While rare, it does happen in almost all maps. Not a huge deal as sometimes the spawn engine likes to be a total %@^#%$. I looked at all three versions and noticed that 2 of the versions had major splitscreen lagg but one did not. It's a shame that the map without FR is really grey in comparison to the one in the pics here. Not in the slightist bit cared though, you have done a well thorogh job of pushing this map to its limits and when push come to shove you took the step to make changes to accomidate everyone. Great job man, hope your map gets into MM.
I would really prefer that if someone is going to play customs or just walk around the map, that they download the version linked to in this thread. The other version was made specifically for split screen use, and while it's going to have basically the same gameplay, it IS really gray and dull looking. The version linked from this thread is much, much better looking, and runs perfectly fine on full screen. As far as the gameplay, I pretty well summed it up in a recent post, when I said Top middle should not be a location that a team can lock down for a prolonged period of time. It should be used to gain a vantage point of where your enemies are at, and as a quick way to travel from one side to another. It was also intended to provide a good line of sight into the courtyard and lift area of the opponents base, but not a direct view into the main part of the opponents base unless you move to their side of the map. So, top mid can be a good position, but you better have your head on a swivel, and you better have good communication with/from your teammates, or you're not going to last long there. As to the spawning issues, if I get some consistent feedback about particular spawn points being troublesome then I'll adjust them accordingly. Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate the time and the thought you put into it.