I would love for this dude to be stopped. But I don't want him to cause our troops to go over seas to fight a war to stop him. America is in major debt right now and this would just cause it to go down the drain even more. My Solution: The Art of Negotiation - Fifth Element - YouTube
hahaha But seriously, this has been all over my facebook and it's.. interesting. It's funny that everyone goes apeshit when someone makes a youtube video, but I can respect that they're trying to get to the international/1st world crowd. I'd like to see where this goes..
^ oh dear I love this whole movement, it gives the whiny bitches on facebook an opportunity to pretend to show sympathy or empathy.
I got bitched at by everyone for saying the exact same things you guys are, on facebook. We're all cynics, apparently.
This makes no sense whatsoever. Because I'm a Guardian I can't post something a grey member would write? Were all members here. If you're just going to raid into all of my threads in attempt to destroy them, I kindly ask you to leave. Maybe if you have children one day you'll have a different look at life as I now do. This video touched me so I thought I'd share it.
People will not go storm the beaches because, luckily, our gov. is smarter than to allow that. But it'll get a few people thinking, and I can respect that.
Yeah... Kony's a terrible person and all, but I find this all pretty stupid. IMO it's a publicity stunt for Invisible Children and they just want to make a lot of money while doing barely anything at all.
It's making everyone aware of the terrible acts going on in Africa by Joseph Kony, a man who kidnaps children and turns them into soldiers. When my girl told be this I laughed and said "cool, it's just like halo". But after watching it I regret ever joking about it.
Well we don't have future technology's yet so this will have to do. (It's cool I haven't watched it so I can say that without regret.) Honestly 99% of people who spam it talk about it don't honestly care. I dislike drama and I know I wont do anything about it if I watched it besides feel bad for a while. It's all good spamming giving the issue more awareness but it sounds like a 3rd grade comeback but "Tell/Spam someone who cares" (and who would actually do something about it if you really cared you would.)
"Uganda" is the third most popular search right now on Google just ahead of "Whitney Houston Will" and "Peyton Manning." At least we have our priorities straight.
Child soldiers have been happening in Africa for years, and only now do people care? I find this video stupid because it gives people in the world some way to "show support" when really they're going to do nothing than share a video from YouTube. It wouldn't be so bad if, you know, people would actually do something, but hell the 20 million views it has is just idiots sharing the video to other idiots.
I find the negative comments regarding the video a little disconcerting. Sure people should have known about this stuff for years but most people didn't even know about PIPA/SOPA until like a month before it was to voted on. It took google and wikipedia "blacking out" to bring attention to that. Or how about ACTA, a bill that has been around since 2008 but people only know it exists AFTER the PIPA/SOPA thing, like they only just looked it up on wikipedia. The point is yes people should already know these things but increasing awareness helps. Even if the hundreds of thousands if not millions of people watching the video do nothing but post facebook statuses saying how wrong it is there will be at least a little more people actually donating to Green Piece or other charity organizations that bring direct help to those people. So, TL;DR version, calm yo **** forum.