As far as I know they didn't say in the thread. They may give us more info on that as we get closer to Tuesday. If not, we won't have to wait long to find out.
I'm pissed at Squad Slayer getting nerfed. It had a perfect team size, not too big or too little. And this "super slayer" **** doesn't sound as good as squad slayer was. Evade, I could care less. I'm pretty sure it's gotten me killed more than saving my life, so good riddance.
So what's the deal with BTB now? It says I don't have the required maps, which is bullshit. Are they really going to only let players with the DLC play BTB now? ****ing stupid if you ask me.
Just buy the DLC you cheap sack of crap! justkiddingyouknowIloveyoulynxie I haven't been in MM since the death of squad. Sigh. Deep, mournful sigh. I honestly don't know what playlist I'm going to play now... maybe objective since evade is gone.
I didn't particularly like playing to 75 kills, so going back to 50 is fine by me. I don't see why they couldn't just take Squad Slayer down to 4 players and keep AL out of the picture. Bringing that back has undone the single best part of playing Squad. And now, I can't even play BTB. **** you 343. Y u no consistent?!
I actually miss bleed through. I didn't I would. Whats the point of having two separate playlists that are basically the same. One has 85% bloom. Didn't everyone like 85% bloom? I thought it was bleedthrough everyone hated? Basically there is no point for super slayer.
The point is that some people prefer vanilla Reach, for whatever reason, and 343 lacked the balls to just say, "Sorry guys, these are the changes we need to make - live with it." So after all that tedious voting in team slayer to determine if it would go TU or not, they just said, "Screw it, we're scared of losing anybody!" and made two separate playlists. And to make room for the new playlist (presumably), they killed my favorite. Sigh. What's so dumb about it is that 90% of the supporters of vanilla Reach are casuals who would adjust to the TU in about five games if they had to - assuming they even noticed anything had changed. The only people 343 really need to worry about losing over subtle game setting changes are competitive players, and in Reach's case, most of the damage on that front was done long ago.
Another thing that is currently pissing me off is that people keep voting for Hemmorhage and spire. I have yet to play one of the new maps. Apparently everyone on right now is a complete dumbass.
Bleedthrough is still in Classic (apparently - haven't checked) so there's that if you miss it. No AAs too, so that's a bonus. As for what heavies made it in, they're discussing it over at Blueprint and they've got a few confirmations so far.
Also I despise AL. I miss squad :,( Squad was basically perfect. Why'd they have to go ruin a good thing? Why 343, why? Also I despise AL. I miss squad :,( Squad was basically perfect. Why'd they have to go ruin a good thing? Why 343, why?
Laskan made him change the name. Look for Rasu. … The DLC requirement was a temporary glitch. You can go into the playlist without the maps but i would recommend getting them if you can. Some of the best new Heavies maps are DLC.
The post so nice, you made it twice! I agree though. I'm pretty distressed about it. My matchmaking history will show that I've played almost nothing but squad for months now.
343 didn't say a word of explanation unfortunately. My guess is that they'd blame low population, but I don't think squad was usually all that low; I know I usually didn't have trouble getting a game. My take on it is that they wanted to introduce the new super slayer (since they refuse to nut up and just apply the title update across the board, and know that the last bastion of vanilla Reach is mostly in team slayer). They were afraid adding an extra playlist would further split up an already spread-too-thin population of active players, so they decided to ditch one that looked fairly redundant. And they're right that Reach's populace doesn't need to be any more fractured, and that three dedicated mid-sized slayer playlists (not counting Anniversary) is too many. But that's why I wish they'd just forced the TU across the board. R.I.P., squad.
I'm not sure why that happened. Maybe the internet realized how mad I was and decided to emphasize my point? And since bleedthrough was incorporated, my K/D has been steadily climbing. Since its removal I've going negative.
Translation: you spend too much time meleeing people and not enough time watching their shields glisten in the sunlight.
I wish they'd at least named the pre-TU playlist something like, "Old School Slayer," and given the default "Team Slayer," to the TU game-types. Super Slayer is just as low in population, if not more so, than Squad was. I'm assuming this has to do in part with the ridiculous name they've given it, which is misleading and sounds like some sort of casual playlist with crazy settings. Wasn't that the name of the slayer game-type they used to have where you got bonuses such as extra speed or active camo for kill streaks or specific medals? All they're doing is confusing their player base and everyone knows TU is far superior to regular. I mean, was the data so even that they couldn't make a decision? I'd say at least 75% of the games I played had votes for TU over regular and there were always audible groans when regular won. If they'd done what I just mentioned earlier and transitioned Team Slayer over to the TU settings and gave regular settings some new playlist, I bet tons of people would be playing TU and not even realize it. At most they'd find themselves wondering, "Why does Reach play so much better than it used to?" and not think twice about it. 343, grow some balls and learn to make some real decisions. At this rate, Halo 4 is going to have 5 different playlists that all have completely different core mechanics because they're too afraid of losing a couple players that can't accept changes for the better- changes they themselves asked for in the first place!