The Pyramid Hello all, welcome to a new map! I have dramatically changed this map , and it is now contained in the pyramid. New gametypes: Slayer, ctf, assault, koth, headhunter, 1 flag The pyramids one of the 7 wonders of the world. I have seen many different attempts on pyramids but unfortunitly they were on the wrong angles for me, too shallow and some too steep,or some didn't have a top I wanted this pyramid to be traversable and it is. Weapons: 8 - 10 x dmr 4 x needler rifle 2 x needler 2 x concussion rifle 2 x ar 2 x plasma repeater 1 x sniper 2 x sword 4 x plasma 4 x grenade 2 x health. Hope you all like it. Feedback greatly appreciated Thanks for looking
This looks really well made. I feel like the inside could've been a bit more intricate but it still looks like a great map. If you are up for suggestions I think you could make a really neat infection map out of this. You could have awesome tombs and secret passageways. I'm new so I don't know if that's been done before but you look like you have the skill to pull that off.
Thanks for your feedback. This is for the 7x7 comp and needed to only use 7 types of object, This made it difficult to make intricate, but I agree it does feel a little open and some cover and complexity could help improve. I ran out of the aloted budget in the end as it is only alowed to use 7000 max. But on the + side it leaves 3000 for more weapons , vehicals and lay out in the future. I am also making this into an aesthetic version asap, adding the sphinx (hopefully) and relevant aesthetics for the 7 wonders of the world II competition. Thanks
Thanks , I do realise it is marginally out at top as the 1*1 incline is the closest to a fit and if adjust the angle it doesn't meet right. But it is as close as possible without changing angle to match the pyramid shaped piece.
You should rebuild it without the 7x7 contest rule , it will make this map more solid and fun to play .
Yes and no. yes I did , and then adjusted by hand at the end. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks, I have been doing work improving and I haven't had to use other pieces to get a decent layout. Map now updated with new link.
haha u crazy? edit coordinates with colosseum walls? But timmy, it looks good from what i see. I dont see it in the competition thread yet. IDK it might not be the final version yet. But this is really cool how you maintained the outside structure while making the inside have a great looking layout. It looks like a fun DMR warm-up map. The pyramid in the center looks like a good strategic area for slayer
I did have to start by hand ha... Thanks. I am pleased with the look so far. I may improve more before competition. Also do you mean 7 wonders comp or 7*7 ha cos this is for the 7*7 and I will be unveiling the aesthetic version for other comp. will try to get some customs going later if you'd like to help test? Thanks
Well that sounds better. This would be good for th 7x7 contest due to the fact that mostly competative maps are being entered. While the Wonders of the World mainly looks for aesthetics. Yea the second version would be fit for Wonders of the world
Thanks, I hope it is enjoyed. I have also entered the map into the 7th wonders comp. I have added an alternative link to the newer version with the sphinx I have tried to improve, hopefully I will be able to get some more time in on this before deadline. Please check it out. edit New post added to aesthetic category
Is it really necessary to reply to each and every post individually to keep your thread bumped instead of waiting a while and multi-quoting? I figured that was common courtesy. The map itself gives rise to the immediate concern that inner pyramid will be abused since you say it can be walked on. It give you a height advantage and great lines of sight, while allowing you to circle around it for cover should you be losing a DMR battle and even drop down to the lower levels for a quick escape if need be. The rest of the map appears to be disassociated from the pyramid in the middle in the way it laid out and I can't imagine anyone wanting to be anywhere but top-mid. There simply are no LoS I can see that counter its distinct advantages. IMO, when maps try to work as stand alone aesthetic structures and incorporate competitive game-play, the 2 never work well together in Forge.
I feel a lot of hostility on both my posts regarding pyramid. I haven't posted in a while and the general opinions seem to be negative. I have enjoyed forging and posting my maps, but if this is the reception I guess it's time to quit as I mainly make maps for others to play on as I rearly can fill a party to test. Your opinions are also here say as you haven't tried it as you say Your entitled to your opininon as negetive and unhelpfull as it is, that is part of publishing I guess. Regarding how I reply to my thread is none of your business. I keep to the forum rules, and if you have a problem take it up with the admin.
While the pyramid looks beautiful, The rest of the map (understandably) doesn't look too good. But i understand that you would have such a restraint on budget because of the pyramid. If i manage to get a lobby together, then i will play this map and find out if the gameplay is good. Until then, i am hopeful.
Thanks, the pyramid was an idea I had been playing around with for a month, I was trying to make a map for 7x7 competition here, and after failing on many attempts I decided to use the pyramid. The simple lay out and minimal pieces, are as I was only allowed to use 7 types of object. There is plenty of budget left but I am happy with how it plays as it is and with the look, although as it is my map I will be more biased as I do like it. Many don't like that I try to mix aesthetics with competitive, with this map as it is more simple than usuall and a lot more budget left, framerate is really good, reasonable cover around and ways around. The top pillars are also accessable off the crates to add tactical positions if players use them.
Yea there's nothing wrong with replying to a post if the person they had replied to is asking or questioning the creator in any way about the map. Now when it comes to some type of competition of who can keep their map at the top of the thread, I have a beef with that. Kinda like how the guy who made mlg splashes did. Great map no offense or anything But this isn't what Timmy's trying to do. Instead of ignoring feedback for days on end and replying to maybe 1 or 2 comments at the last second, Timmy is more open and willing to discuss the issues or problems the map has.
My problem is that you make aesthetic maps and post them in competitive. Slapping spawns and weapons onto what is clearly an aesthetics first, gameplay second map does not make it competitive. I also gave you feedback on what elements I believe would play poorly. I don't necessarily need to play it to know that the walkable pyramid in the center would be largely dominant and abusable due to it's circling nature and an abundance of quick escape routes should you be in danger. One could sit at the top of the pyramid and have 4 different sides to fall back on depending on which angle they are being shot from. Everything I said, apart from the fact that I think you're thread bumping since every other post is yours and mostly are just saying "thanks", was not intended to be hostile. I'm sorry if you feel that way simply because I didn't spend any time complimenting your aesthetics on a map that was submitted to the competitive section. I gave you my opinion based on pictures and I know it is easy to discredit my opinion because of this fact, but I feel I have got a decent grasp on certain elements that make a map competitive and can generally spot some larger issues from pictures. If this is up in your fileshare, I would be interested in playing on the map to see if my suspicions are confirmed or denied. Regardless,
well firstly, you are more than likely a fake profile of another member of forge, since you joined in jan 2012 and talk about forge, competitveness bla bla bla. I cannot and will not even look into your testless feedback going on screenshots alone to give negetive feedback, once you get on the map for feedback, you are already looking for fault and with biased eyes against. Secondly I post maps in the appropriate catagory and my last map was gridlock on competitive and I can't think of many that would say that map is aesthetic or casual. So I haven't posted many maps in competitive, agreed in the beging when I wasn't aware how this sight worked I may have posted maps in the wrong catagory....but you supposedly weren't even a menmber then. Thirdly, I hate when people hate on maps for no reason EXPECIALLY when they don't have any maps of there own. So you can take your feedback and opinions and you can imagine where you can shove them. Please leave me and my posts alone UnfrozenLynx. And take your ego with you.... also when I spoke to you last night on xforgery not that I knew who you were, and constantly had to mute you cos you were bitching. You had a terrible attitude of an imiture kid.
First of all, I used to go by the name "Frozenlynx" from the day Halo: Reach came out and had posted several maps, most of which were admittedly poor or mediocre looking back. I have known about you and seen your maps since back when you posted your Cold Storage remake. I have learned a lot since those days and I believe my newest map really shows this. It is called "Basis" and there is a map preview of it up in the Forge Discussion should you care to take a look. Also, to assume that someone knows nothing about competitive gameplay and map design just because they haven't been a member of FH for a long time makes you look like a noob. I went on this map in Forge and my suspicions about the central pyramid were immediately affirmed. The fact that there is a sniper rifle up there blew my mind. Why would you hand someone a sniper rifle on the most powerful position of the map? They don't even have to work for high ground. This fact alone proved to me that you don't understand even the basics of competitive play and weapon layout. I realize that this is meant to be more of an aesthetic map, which brings me back to my point about slapping weapons and spawns onto an aesthetic map and throwing it into the competitive section. Lastly, I would like to point out that as soon as I started pointing out flaws in your map "Turbine", you immediately went to the ol', "Well that's just your opinion," defense. Of course it is my opinion- all feedback is. However, as I tried to take the time to explain the how and why of my opinion, you simply closed your ears and refused to hear me out. You clearly cannot handle constructive criticism because all you hear is the criticism and start defending yourself before the constructive part comes into play. If you really cared about making your maps the best they can be, you'd grow a pair and stop acting like a child. Also, you'd learn to spell properly.