So Halo 4 comes out in ~5 months and I need something to entertain myself with in the meantime. I'm prett young, so my allowances are not that great, and video games aren't all, so I have a limited budget to spend. And now I aks you, what should I buy? - Wireless Repeater and FPS freaks for a better gaming experience and I can play Infection normally. - Buy MW3(second hand for roughly 30 euros, so just as expensive as Wireless Repeater + FPS freaks) for a complete new gaming expereince. But would it be worth it if I'd only play it till Halo 4 comes out and only play Survival and Infected(Only decent game modes IMO) - Buy both and **** non-gaming stuff I wanted to buy. What should I get till Halo 4?
Lol. There are plenty of better games than MW3 for a cheaper price, but if you are set on those options, I would go with the third.
And 87 gajillion more guns. But 4srsly, neither of those options. There are so many better options out/coming out soon. If you haven't played Assassin's Creed, get Revelations. Also, Battlefield 3 >>>>> MW3
You have 5 months to come up with the money and you're bitching about an allowance? Not hard to make money, even at a young age.
Buy Enslaved: Journey to the West. It's a great game and will be quite cheap. It's not an FPS, but is still very fun to play. Plus, Andy Serkis was involved in the cinematics and lends his voice to the main character, because he's awesome. Also, plug plug plug plug plug, and plug.