Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    Can someone confirm this whole perk thing? I've watched the video a few times already and never once heard anything about it. It seems to me that everyone is getting worked up over a rumor.
  2. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    That is awesome that a mech suit is being built in war house. Hopefully other maps will have cool stuff like that and maybe we will be able to do that in forge.
  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I'll actually meet you there. I find myself shocked at how often I have to stick up for Reach, especially considering it's often in comparison to Halo 3, a game which apparently could do no wrong in retrospect but attracted a similar level of bitching back in its day.

    But yeah, I have no more interest in fighting that corner than you do, it annoys me so much when people can basically offer no more to a discussion than "I loved Halo 2/3, why can't they just make it like that, back when it was fun?" Things were fun at a certain point in your life, we get it, and I'm of the firm belief that if you could somehow give these people Halo 2 etc. in carbon copy form, but without them being able to see that it was exactly the same, they'd still ***** and moan. There's no way to recapture that magic, because it was almost as much to do with time and person as it was to do with the game itself.

    I know I excluded CE from that. Whilst it's not immune to nostalgia at all, quite the opposite, I feel that the mass appeal that Halo 2 brought falls more in line with this kind of thoughtless approach to critical discussion of games.
  4. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Dynamic environments are something I would definitely be happy to see. Things like moving conveyor belts (like Elongation), switches like (Relic), low gravity to a lesser extent (condemned), timed traps like the train in Terminal, and other things we've yet to see.

    And there was quite the uproar when halo 2 was first being shown to the public from the Halo CE crowd (still is if you look hard enough)
    #964 PacMonster1, Mar 5, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2012
  5. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Maybe we will get to use that suit in campaign..


    And yeah here is a pic that proves AAs will be back.
  6. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    Actually no I'm pretty sure that's part of his suit.
  7. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    zero-g thrusters
  8. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I'm not judging the gameplay in the slightest yet, since I want to experience it beforehand... but I will say that I don't like the new chief armor, and the multiplayer armor they showed was the ugliest and least memorable armor of any halo game ever.
  9. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    I'm not going to bother reading through all the posts in the past few pages, so I'm just gonna post what I think...

    1) The look of the new Spartans (The Spartan IVs in Multiplayer and MC's New Armor) just doesn't feel like Halo. Master Chief's Iconic look is completely gone and is replaced with something that looks like a Gundam.

    2)When Frankie said "What do we keep, What do we throw away, What do we add..." it kinda made me rage. The way that Halo 3 ended was perfect to build on top of... They literally shouldn't have to do any retroactive continuity work. And yet they feel like they have to... So the answer to his questions are Everything, Nothing, and Whatever You Need...

    3)It looks like they're following suit in Bungie's steps for Reach where they're trying to make the weapons and vehicles look downgraded as opposed to upgraded, depite the fact that this is taking place a long ****ing time after Halo 3, as opposed to before Halo 1...

    4)They're attempting to turn Multiplayer into Canon... That's simply ridiculous to me... Why even bother doing that **** when:
    a)Humans cannot simply "respawn"
    b)The amount of Spartans killed in multiplayer would be larger than the human race, as opposed to the incredibly strict admission requirements for the Spartan programs (Or should I call them abduction requirements)
    c)Spartan IVs? Yeah, I understand why ONI would create them, but why the **** are they fighting each other? That doesn't make sense at all. ONI was the only group that possessed the technology to create Spartans, and before they were turned into the superhumans they were destined to be, they were thoroughly brainwashed to always obey their orders from ONI or the UNSC. And why the **** would ONI tell them to kill each other? Each one is worth tens of billions of dollars...

    And yes, I'm incredibly biased against 343i. There was only one thing I've seen them really do right so far, and that was the last terminal in CE:A. \/
    The one where it showed the Monitor going to the research station controlled by the heretic elites and grunts.
  10. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Mods, theres lots of dicussion going on in this thread. I think it's about time we have a subforum for Halo 4 Discussion, eh?
  11. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Yes, all major changes invite controversy and a lot of it is unwarranted, reactionary crap. I'm on the same page as you and Pegasi both: the relentless negativity makes games less fun to me. I can't venture on the Bungie forum for more than 5 minutes, and I never checked out Halo Waypoint until recently and don't plan to return. For whatever it's worth, Forge Hub is the main place I talk Halo because people here are largely reasonable, not just a bunch of entitled whiners claiming they'll never play Halo again (even as they post on a forum about it all day, every day).

    However, that still doesn't mean that change is unequivocally good, and I don't think it's fair to lump everybody with a slightly worried reaction to the Halo 4 preview all together under an umbrella of "people who are afraid of change." If you like, I can trot out my credentials and give you some ideas of things I think would be good for a new Halo. A lot of them are certainly more than "tweaks." But none of them involve departing from all players being balanced off spawn - I just happen to think that's important. It was the heart of the three Halo games I loved best, and its compromised state in Reach is why it's a game that frustrates me often, though I still love it also and play it near-daily.
  12. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    that wasnt quite what i was saying. i said i can get a above a 2.0 k/d consistently using low level weapons and perks. Usually, this means i am the "best" player in that game, or at least i performed the best. and i am actually playing the game, not just sitting in one spot waiting for people to come around the corner, so its close to a 20/10, not a 6/3 2.0. if your k/d is significantly higher than this, then bravo, your're better than 99.9% of the people who play this game. all i was saying was if i can be the best player in the game using low level items, then it seems that skill will trump perks gained through experience. being a high level does not give you any sort of advantage when you are are playing against opponents who are simply better than you, in my opinion. i enjoy the cod unlock system just as fun way to keep me interested in the game, not as something that gives a player any sort of advantage over another, or evens the the playing field for lesser skilled players.
  13. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    ...what? His was talking about exactly what I've been talking about as far as what developers try to do. He was saying their goal is to walk that line of keeping things similar for the halo faithful while adding enough new things to keep people interested and attract new attention.

    Certain Affinity was hired by 343i to make the multiplayer maps for Halo Reach, not Bungie.

    Also 343i is responsible for all the other forms of media that have come out since 343i came into existence. Comics, novels, graphic novels etc.
  14. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
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    I would laugh my ass off if the perks thing was just some rumor started by Frankie, and it isn't true at all. Then, come E3 everyone will cheer and cheer....

    At least that's why I would hope would happen :(
  15. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    What really confuses me is when people ***** and moan that Call of Duty has been the same game since 2007, yet then they turn right around and say that any innovation at all "ruins Halo."
  16. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Assuming that we are all complaining about the fact that there is change, not that those changes are bad.
  17. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    The mech in multiplayer looks UNSC based off of the colors. I bet that it's a new vehicle for campaign, otherwise why would it be in multiplayer. Multiplayer environments always contain stuff that is from somewhere in the halo universe.
  18. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    I think Halo 4 will be one of the best in the series so far. Definitely like the new walking style. A few opinions of mine, though.

    -The Spartan IV armour is wierd looking and doesn't have that 'Halo' feel to it.

    -The Master Chief does not have a huge change in armour so I don't know why people are being so pessimistic.

    -I hope they have some maps that are partly underwater because that would be cool to play.

    -I believe Master Chief will be facing not a new opponent exactly, but a different human race or nation.

    -Hopefully the lighting will be better than the lighting of previous Halo games.

    And finally to the perk system. I think they should have a split system that way everybody could play what they want. They do also need to add an option to join a game-in-progress so as to balance the split MM community.
    #978 Elite Warrior5, Mar 5, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2012
  19. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    according to the video they said the multiplayer maps are being built from the ground up and will not be taken from the campaign. So just because a mech is being built doesn't mean it will be a vehicle. You couldn't drive a scarab in Reach and one of the maps was a Scarab manufacturing factory.

    and elite....facepalm
  20. Security

    Security Ancient
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    I think it's hard to determine whether changes are good or not without playing the game.

    Maybe it's a cyclops from Halo Wars.

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