what about me Rainbow? You still gonna do that sig for me and the map thing? Or is Sticky not special enough? lol...I guess our 30 story pyramid just didnt cut it? huh? roflofl
I iz Speshulz? If I am can you make me a sig that uses this: || o.o o.o || || O.O O.O || -.- -.o || -.- -.- || Fin. Except in the same font as you used for waylander, and do one of those nifty backgrounds that you did for the "Next Gen" sigs? Thanks, pm me if you need more info.
Awwww! One away.... frick! Oh well... good luck! (You thought mine would be fun, so don't you want to have some fun?!?!?! Lolz... I am kidding)
Yes, well of course, he is amazing. I am just pissed because I was so close to finally getting my sig. I guess I'll make my own.
I am glad i am a special person and the non halo ones are way better. Btw what you think of this one?
Lolz that's okay, they can beg all they want =] Generally I wont bother with request. I'll probably take request through the shoutbox. Though don't go spamming the shoutbox going Reyn! I want mai sig, are you there! Gib me a sig! If you see me on and you actually know me, like we talk. Then I'll make you a sig =] That's what speshul means =D I'll go edit the front page to be more specific =P
soz where is mai sig RAIN!!!!!! GOSH I WANT IT!!! lol... I can wait... waiting... waiting... waiting... *BAM!! (shot someone) cant take this crap anymore! lol... but seriously will you do the map thing and modify my sig?
They look really good reaper, the only I notice in this one is that when you resize the images it looks a bit skewed, make sure you put the lock on when resizing so that it resize right =] Apart from that it's pretty cool, oh and Sticky. Here I re-imagined your sig for you =] What you think? Basically a complete remake xD [noparse][/noparse]
SCREW YOU AND YOUR GODDAMN PIG!!!! lol, i'm kidding, but the day that pig dies, i shall celebrate and party harder than NYE