Well I'm not really sure where to post this, but I figured this is the right place. So to be on topic, I have plans to get a new capture card here within the next two months and I have found the best three: Hauppauge HD PVR 1212 which is about $180 in USD, Hauppauge HD PVR Gaming edition which come with recording and editing software and costs about $200 in USD, the last of the three best capture cards is the AverMedia USB HD DVR. But there is one problem is that when you record with the AverMedia it comes out in a file name .ts ( or something like that) but the AverMedia costs $150 in USD, but this recording problem could easily be fixed by capturing the video with a program called VirtualDub which I've heard is one of the best capturing programs. So from this point on I will currently be using a Roxio Game Capture. I would like to have your opinion on these three capture cards and for some of you, this may help. Good day.
I haven't heard of the last one, but the 1212 is what I had and I really liked it; no problems at all. The gaming edition seems unnecessary IMO, but in all honesty I'd only really recommend buying a high end cap card if you're serious about editing and think the investment is worth it. I never even considered buying a Hauppauge until a couple years after I started my youtube account and had at least 1k subscribers.
First off, are you looking for a capture DEVICE or a capture CARD. A card connects directly to your motherboard while a device is USB/FireWire/Thunderbolt. Okay, of these three best capture "cards", you repeated one and missed one. The Hauppauge 1212 and Gaming 1445 editions are exactly the same with a different coloured light. 1212 is Blue while 1445 is Green. 1445 also comes with a Universal Component cord for PS3, Xbox and Wii. That cord itself is worth $20. If you already have a Component cord, get the 1212. As for the one (and the best one) which you missed: Black Magic Intensity. They have 2 unique versions which you would be looking at: Pro and Shuttle. Shuttle is designed for a USB 3.0 connect to optimize the data stream between the capture DEVICE and the computer. Pro is connected directly to the motherboard for much faster processing time. I've heard with the Pro you can play in real time on your computer monitor (Capture devices have video lag because it might be transmitted a much longer way). Both the Shuttle and Pro are $199, but in my opinion are a much higher quality product than the Hauppauge. And just for your info, last I checked the RoosterTeeth guys use Black Magic products (specifically the Pro) And having said all this, as Rifte said, don't invest in a HD capture card if it's just going to sit around.
@ Bloo Jay I have no plans to just let my the Capture device i get sit around. the only problem i have with the Black Magic shuttle which is what i would get if i could, is that my computer has a usb 2.0 but i have heard the black magic intensity shuttle and pro are the best, thanks for the imput @ Rifte thanks and i just want to get a good editing program without getting a APPDATA error, thanks for the imput.
USB 3.0 cards aren't too espensive if you want to go for the shuttle. I would still go with the pro since you're cutting out that middleman to get the data straight to your HDD
I have the BMIP, it is realtime... where the delay is probably about 0.2 - 0.5 ms from controller input to display. However, as soon as you hit record, your preview screen progresses in freeze frames as opposed to direct feed video with latency. So basically, your input is still shown on screen at the time of sending them, the screen itself just lags under load. You may also find that you need to download and use your own capture software, as the software that comes with BMIP cannot be configured to use with Xbox 360 at any 720/1080 resolution as the frames per second input is outside the defined limits of the delivered software. As with other capture device discussions, I'm going to move this over to the videos forum.
FYI - The HD PVR gaming edition is the EXACT SAME; it just has a green light instead of a blue one that costs you £30.
Well its my moms computer, and im quite sure she wouldnt like it if I messed up her computer. i didnt know where to put this topic anyway. im going to guess that BIMP is a capturing sofware. i figured that out. @ Stevo @ Bloo Jay im not going to get the BMIP or the BMIS because i dont want to damage my moms computer so im just going to stick with one of these now two because they would work for me...
BMIP = Black Magic Intensity Pro, Internal Card. BMIS = Black Magic Intensity Shuttle, External Device, USB 3.0 connection. BMIS won't damage your computer in any other way. It's just not as fast as PCI-E connection that BMIP has.
So you are saying that even though the BMIS is USB 3.0 it won't hurt my computer that is USB 2.0? @ Bloo Jay nice to know.
You need a USB 3.0 card, since the USB 2.0 and 3.0 ends are different. Having said that, USB 3.0 PCI cards are cheap.
They're not different ends? :S I've not looked into USB 3.0 much... but I'm pretty sure the USB connection is still the same (and is available in mini-usb etc). The only difference is the communication interface on both ends can operate at higher speeds. Obviously, if you have a USB 3.0 device and it requires this higher speed to operate and your motherboard is only USB 2.0... it's not going to function. If for instance, your motherboard has USB 3.0, and the device is USB 2.0, your motherboard will operate at 2.0 speed because it's within it's speed limit restrictions.
There is no way to convert a slow signal to a faster signal. Instead, simply buy a USB 3.0 PCI card , connect it into your motherboard, and then run the USB 3.0 through the proper interface.