In a game where you can fight against someone that can freeze and become invincible, turn invisible at will and screw with your situational awareness, create a giant shield that heals them and their allies, and fly around like the goddamned rocket man, I think fighting a rolling ball isn't that bad. I've actually seen it work amazingly in some custom competitive maps designed for it.
I never said that other AAs weren't (more) gamebreaking. I simply said that (as a loadout) it's gamebreaking. All AAs except for hologram are ****.
I think Sprint should have been built-in (if they were going to include it, I'm not saying it helped the halo formula), and evade, Jetpack, Hologram, Camo, and the Bubble Shield should have been pick ups based on maps. Load outs are a cool feature to have for custom games, but kind of annoying in MM.
Over, did you not read my first paragraph there dude? *facepalm* Evade not a bad thing? Is Schnitzel gonna have to slap a fool? What's wrong with people!? Oh Over, how 'bout that cocktease they gave us in BTB Heavies? It uses 110% movement speed. Y no in all playlists!!!!!!!!!
If so many people don't know the name right for the Drop Shield then I guess it doesn't bother you enough to make you remember it. Basically, Drop shield is pretty much fine.
Jubecause I called it a bubble shield, when it is in face just a re-tooling of the bubble shield, doesn't change my argument.
I'm more worried about how the new TU settings, specifically the absence of bleedthrough, is going to affect our maps. My latest map has a lot of close quarters involved, and the last thing I want is herpaderping around corners and such. It makes designing maps really difficult when you don't know how the game mechanics are going to work. Especially when you think you know, and then they just pull the rug out from under you. I thought bleedthrough was here to stay. Ever since 343i has taken over Reach, all they been doing is turning a bunch of ****in knobs asking 'Is this better? How about now? Did we get it right this time? Sorry, turned that knob a little too far, dialing it back now. Oooh what does this button do?" I generally like the new TU settings, I just wish they made the changes sooner and weren't so fickle about it. Now the whole matchmaking community is torn between vanilla and TU because 343i couldn't really make up their minds.
Drop Shield is fine? Have fun playing any objective game against an entire team using them. Even as a pick-up in Halo 3 they were cheap and I can't imagine why Bungie thought it would be a good idea to give everyone one at spawn. Guess that counts for practically every AA, heh.
Every one except sprint and hologram, IMO. I don't mind a single drop shield pick-up on a map, but you're right, too many people having them makes the game extremely annoying. When you get down to it, even though I've adapted readily to playing Reach and have learned ways to counter all the armor abilities, almost all of them warp the game too much. None of them are "game breaking" in my opinion, but many of them alter gameplay in a way that makes it less fun to play and less competitive/more oriented toward exploiting one or two single mechanics. I really don't even like them as pick-ups because of their infinite "ammo"; for instance one of the worst aspects of the Throwdown tournament was desperately trying to find an armor ability when the other team had sprint/evade and you had nothing. Equipment in H3 > AAs, easily. They might have been cheap in a way, but they were also single-use (and some of them were awesome, like the grav lift on High Ground and the trip mine on Rat's Nest).
Sprint makes it too easy for people to run away from danger. Let's say someone is one-shot and he decides to run away. The person who was shooting at him could sprint after him but he also has to keep shooting at the opponent something which is impossible to do while sprinting. This means that the person who is one-shot can get away easier because he doesn't have to shoot. He can continue running while the other person is screwed out of a kill. Again; give us sufficient movement speed and don't implement sprint into Halo 4, please.
I agree with your argument, I just don't think sprint is nearly as cheap as basically all the other non-hologram AAs. When everyone has sprint it doesn't really hurt the game too badly, although yes, there's a certain amount of "chasing that one shot guy or trying to finish him off before he disappears." At least sprint only works in one direction (forward) and it's somewhat realistically difficult to turn on a dime while sprinting; also, while you're faster than normal, you're not impossibly fast or hard to hit (unlike evade's lightning-speed rolling ball). Sprint isn't so bad. But yeah, if I was going to choose, I'd take a game with the movement speed of older Halos and no sprint over default Reach speed + sprint.
You've convinced me. Seriously, though. It doesn't matter that there are other things that negatively impact the game even more. It's a bad gameplay feature on its own.
MLG can live with sprint (or at least they used to, no idea what they're up to now) - surely it's not hurting the game that much.
It's funny how in Halo 3 people can recall iconic places in Maps, like the Maps had more feeling... Weird. In Halo: Reach almost no one says 'the rockets of powerhouse'... Probably because Maps back then didn't feel empty and boring.