Voting Please vote for your favorite! The nominations in alphabetical order are: Aiden by [user]IIITYRANTIII[/user] Ether by [user]AceOfSpades[/user] Gallant by [user]Erupt[/user] Observatory by [user]MockKnizzle008[/user] Sequoia by [user]WALDO the lemon[/user] Voting ends March 3rd, 2012. Good luck!
Observatory 2012. Almost picked Ether but the gameplay was just a little too close quarters, no matter how amazing it looked and how well it pulled off the theme.
I ended up going against the "Ijustvoteformyfriends'maps" principle (which I don't follow anyway), and voting for Ether over Observatory. Observatory's great, but i do feel that Ether is the better map.
Aiden or Gallant...Not even going to say which one I chose, because Tyrant and Erupt would be pissed if they found out I voted for Observatory.
decisions? Guys, you have Aiden ... and then there are some other great maps, but there is still Aiden
I rolled a die to choose, numbers 1 - 5 matching up with maps and 6 being a re-roll. Yup, ain't that some bollocks.
Though Aiden has a great layout and plays as well as it does... Ether earned my vote due to it's late arrival and lack of votes last FHF. It was pretty unique in comparason to other maps lately. Ive never seen so much work thrown into death-pits before...
Those were some shmexy death pits... still I have only played Ether and it doesnt feel right to vote without at least seeing and playing the majority.
Looks like I need to change my vote now since I figured out it supports infection. Sorry for those who voted Aiden.