Yes. No more hate. Let's be like mature adults and welcome all to the PPC. You have been given a secong chance, don't ruin it. I speak for almost all of Forgehub.
I'm not affiliated with Chuck. But seriously RST, could you not get someone to leave the site within a few hours of the PPC opening? And to everyone else, no more "Hold hands and sing Kumbaya" posts.
I don't see how arguing with someone trolling in the shoutbox counts as "Bullying". And please, he didn't "Leave the site". Don't be dramatic Shuman.
That's it RST. I'm sick of you calling me "dramatic", e.c.t. I'm leaving home and i'm never coming back. YOU'RE NOT EVEN MY REAL DAD!
We'll have to get together and discuss our mutual interest in balls some time. ;D I AM YOUR REAL DAD AND YOU LOVE ME, YOU'RE GOING TO GET OVER THIS TEENAGE ANGST ONE DAY, AND YOU'RE GOING TO APOLOGIZE TO YOUR MOTHER AND I. Don't make me get the belt! It'll hurt me more than it hurts you.