
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by xdemption, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Welcome everyone to the latest creation of the Allspark vault! Majestica, one of the most hard-pressed maps that has been in development for the past 4 months. As many of you had suggested in my preview before, I had made additions to give some moderate bases for each team for a little more defense for objective-based games. Me and xDTx Kaos worked a hand-in-hand with the spawns and cover of this map to make it fair for both vehicle and player throughout the whole map.

    This map has had so many play-tests, and so many changes its hard to recall every detail of every game. Overall however I had very positive responces. After much time of thinking about things I needed to do on this map, I finally satisfied enough to post this map.

    Weapons & vehicles goes as follows:

    6 x DMR
    2 x Assault rifle
    4 x Needle rifle
    2 x Needler (120 sec each)
    2 x Plasma pistol (75 sec each)
    2 x Mongooses
    2 x Default Warthog (120 sec each)
    2 x Ghost (120 sec each)
    1 x Revenant (180 sec)
    1 x Concussion Rifle (120 sec, 1 clip)
    2 x Sniper rifle (150 sec, 1 clip)
    1 x Rocket Launcher (180 sec, 0 clip)
    1 x Fuel rod cannon (180 sec, 1 clip)
    2 x Machine gun turrets, (120 sec)
    4 x Health packs
    2 x Plasma grenades
    4 x Fragment grenade

    Fortunately, most changes done to the map were mostly structural and not a lot of weapon change. There was however, a change to center vehicle which used to be a ghost in which I traded that out with the revenant. I had also decided to have a single concussion rifle instead of two so that control of vehicles could be countered by this weapon. rockets are some-what useful in this map but the main weapon of choice is fuel rod. I had also changed the ramps going into the tower so that vehicle access is much smoother.

    Let us move on to pictures and overview:
    (two pic overview . . . ewww . . .)
    Red base:
    Blue base:
    Blue sniper:
    Red sniper:
    Fuel Rod spawn:
    Concussion Rifle spawn:
    Rocket spawn:
    Sea dock (Rocket spawn):

    Loadout camera:

    I want to thank Xaudienceofone for all his constructive feedback, xDTx Kaos for is epic spawn system and his hard work in spawn placing and aesthetic advice. Confused flamingo, I also want to thank you on your feedback as well in base creation, Berb, your advice as well. As well as many others I cannot even begin to remember. Above all xDTx Kaos deserves just as much credit on this map as I do, I may have created the tower but he worked hard to help create the cover and other features around the map. Enjoy fellow forgers, recommend and download as much as possible!
    #1 xdemption, Feb 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2012
  2. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I didn't get to play here much, but this time(s) I did were a blast. I can think of nothing to improve this map any farther as of yet. The gameplay is supurb- nothing dominates and the aesthetics are gorgeous. The 'bases' are far better than my idea (which in retrospect was pretty awful) and the cover that was there before. Possibly the most fun BTB map I have ever played*. I'm still not sold on the sides where the rest of hemmorage and the sea touch Majestica, but they do play well. Well done Redemption and Kaos.

    * note I have played very few BTB maps- maybe 10.
    #2 Audienceofone, Feb 15, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2012
  3. thefightdude

    thefightdude Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    That my friend is some awesome aesthetics and forging. A map I would definitely want to play on. Just judging by the pictures I don't see anything wrong at all. That middle piece made the map and inspired me to maybe make something of that nature. Nice job!
  4. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Well shucks, you put my name in here at least three times,( I just skimmed) but thanks. I've loved this map from the first time I saw the tower concept. Just imagine where this would have ended up if I hadn't suggested the gulch as placement. I don't think it would have been quite so... majestic! Haha. But truthfully this is an awe inspiring map. The tower is just such an eye grabber. The extensive changes this has gone through is crazy. I must say it's been a great pleasure and privilege to forge with you. This is truly the pinnacle of our creations.
  5. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Holy Motherfucking Balls in your mouth Majestica is posted!

    A really good BTB this one is guys, definitely a recommended download. The changed beach area makes the map seem a lot bigger than it is, which counteracts the congested feel a couple of the rock formations give off. For such a large central banana, the map plays very well when it comes to framerate, only giving off a few back areas during heavy combat.
    Spawning played out very well, and the base design you went with worked like a charm.


    Berb approves this map.
  6. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    I just had to log in and reply on this, that massive structure in the middle is very impressive, as such as the nice aesthethics away from it.
    It is very nice, i love BTB.
  7. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I saw the Preview version when the bases were rubble, and there wasn't much to it, but I definantly see huge improvement, great job. +1 dl.
  8. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Those bases look a lot better, just enough to serve as objective housing but not to much to steal the show from that epic Eiffel Tower looking structure. The vehicle choice is great, I think more, smaller vehicles is better than wraiths, tanks etc for a large scale battle. I NEED to have a late night gaming session to get this map, to play CTF, along with others played. How does CTF play on it?
  9. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    plays fairly well, I had a few spawn issues at first but I easily solved those spawn issues right away. Most other gametypes is hard to say but it has been tested on neutral assault and multi-flag with very little complaints. I have been thinking of developing a Invasion version of majestica. First, I must see what the future holds.
  10. The Fish

    The Fish Promethean

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    This is what happens when you take spire, and replace the giant purple dildo and make it grey, and sexy, and more like the Eiffel tower. And then you add some sexy bases. And some sexy spawns. And then you make it so that the damn thing is actually drivable on, unlike spire. And you add some sex.

    My point is that I want to have sex with your giant grey Eiffel dildo.

    Also: BUMP
  11. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    Played this last night, and while the tower is undoubtedly cool, the gameplay wasn't fun. First off the spawns were terrible, atleast on multiflag. Red spawned at blue base and vice versa during the match, and this screwed things up quite a bit. Good job on the tower, though.
  12. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    to tell you the truth it baffles me why this is happening. there are two hard spawn zones one for each team on ctf so it is by far bizzare why this was happening. My only hypothosis is the overlapping respawn zones are overwriting the hard zones for team spawning. As such I have set those zones for slayer specific only and will be modifiying the DL link for this post. I had played assault, stockpile and slayer with none of these issues which leads me to beleive that it has only affected multi-flag.

    Edited by merge:

    Ok done, sorry about that. last time I tested CTF I had different zone set ups but i didn't have these certain issues. plus I haven't had that problem ever in the past. Goes to show that sometimes respawning is truly unpredictable. Way to go bungie . . .
    #12 xdemption, Feb 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2012
  13. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The tower is awesome, the gameplay is pretty standard, but fun nonetheless. However, as Cluk said the spawns were completely broken in CTF. I'll look around in forge tomorrow and find the root of your problem.
  14. R0UG3

    R0UG3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I loved this map immediately from the second I first saw it. There has clearly been so much meticulous attention been given to design, vehicle movment, weapon balance, FR, spawning, cover and flow it must have taken an age. The final result looks superb. Hope we can get a custom game going ASAP +I'm looking forward to start play testing the Invasion version.
    #14 R0UG3, Feb 21, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2012
  15. The Pib

    The Pib Forerunner

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    I played Multi-Flag on this about two weeks ago. I don't know if that was before or after you solved your spawn issues, but my team kept constantly spawning on the enemy base when our flag was away. In 1-Flag that makes sense, but in Multi-Flag that's like rewarding my team for having our flag stolen.

    Also, I wish there were more vehicles. Rocket Hogs would be sweet.
    #15 The Pib, Feb 23, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2012
  16. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    yea, spawning was weird because of the spawn system kaos had put down. Turns out the spawns work great for slayer but not for ctf. that was changed right away so now it won't happen on objective games. I want to thank psycho duck for making note of where the problem was arising.
  17. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    As I said to you while playing this earlier today: You should add a grenade launcher. It would be good for stopping a vehicle for a moment or just against infantry. As long as it only has two or three grenades.
  18. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Majectica is a great map, although I must agree with Epic on the grenade launcher point- it could serve as an invaluable weapon and tool against people and vehicles. Perhaps in the invasion version (I hope you have dealt with the wall in that by the way) you can take that into consideration?

    Also, I have never played flag here, but from the sounds of things it seems like it had bad spawning and was fixed. Congratulations on the update, I have always liked that you continue to support updates to your maps after re;lease if pressing concerns are raised. It's a good quality to have. Now try to fix the people that try to climb the tower. Here's to your next one then!
    #18 Audienceofone, Feb 27, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2012
  19. Waterfall

    Waterfall Promethean
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    I remember playing this today and last night the map looked great and played great unfortunately for one reason or another my revenant spawned without its turret... U guys remember that Lolz kaos and redemption... Great map and look out friend request incoming!
  20. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's Majestica noob. lol Anyway, thank you guys for all your feedback. As you spoke about a weapon to counter vehicle traffic, the concussion rifle does all that. It can flip a hog in seconds and give you the chance to sticky them as well. Again I apologize for the odd map spawning in objective gametypes, but all is well now. those of you who did play it please leave a comment about how you felt about gameplay. I know there are others who were there and it would be great to get more feedback so I may do further updates.

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