__________________________________________________________ By TheOlympusPrime Great, I have to do this thread a second time. The first time Forgehub logged me out and the thread was deleted. So, thanks forgehub login/logout system. Ah, the things you do for love. So I'm gonna sum the info, which was a great wall of China on the 1st thread. The map, Skyward, is a small, square layout suited for 1v1's, 2v2's, 3v3's. Weapons: one sword (never respawns) one grenade launcher (never respawns) one turret (never respawns, only will spawn in team games) two plasma rifles two spikers two pistols two DMRs (respawns every sixty seconds, no extra clips) Feedback: ""- ""- ""- ""- ""- Just so you all know, the "tower" is not a tower, it is a space rocket. Some ideas that were thrown around that were nerfed from the map: So yup, thats my map. Hopefully you like it, if you dont, oh well. If you missed the link to B.net, here it is: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details So please leave feedback if you can. I need all the feedback I can get. Sorry about the quick thread. I'll edit it with more info tommorrow if I can.
I like the theme, I think you pulled it of well. You put a lot of detail work into selling the idea. You need to post pictures that give an overview. I'm going to download it and see for myself, but it's hard to tell how the playable space fits together. The weapon count and spawn times seem fairly stingy. Especially if the map is really designed for 3v3's. When I get logged out during posting a map, I just log back in and everything is saved. That sounds frustrating. So the forklift and gallows aren't in this map? Nice forge overall.
the tower you made is awsome. there seems to be alot of really cool asthetics around the map. in pic 4 I dont like how that 2x4/3 block is merged into the walkway :/ but there seems to be alot of cool forging going on here, def will give a download
Nice forklift that looks real expensive and what is the railing sticking straight up the map looks nice what gt is it meant for though?
Nice, You'll have to use that forklift on some other map, I can't really see a definite theme or layout of the map, but overall it looks very well put together. I'll give it a DL.
I wish I could give a better view of the map, but it's just too small. :/ Thanks! Too bad you confused the space rocket with a tower :/ It describes it at the top, in case you didn't look Thanks man