El Castillo, a Wonder of the World, is my entry to the Wonders of the World contest. I haven't posted a legitimate map for a while and am not used to writing long descriptions anymore, so instead I'll throw in some information. If you read that, it says the angle of the sides is 53 degrees. Unfortunatly, mine aren't, but I might be redoing it before the end of the day to be a little more accurate. Without furthur ado, the 4 pictures.
Wow ! So amazing ..... This is better than what i saw last week ! I will vote for you to win that contest !
Yeah, I'm going to have to go ahead and say that this is one of the more impressive pyramids I've seen. Great work on this and goodluck in the contest. I'll be giving this a DL.
Thanks. I can honestly say I got lazy halfway though, which usually tends to happen when I make an aesthetic map. Lol, it does look like an escalator now that I look at it. Thanks, I still wish I could have filled in those corners though.
I'm liking what you've got here. But you've got fierce competition on your hands, and now that I think about it, it does seem a little on the small side. My theory is that if you are choosing to build a single wonder, it should be as verisimilar and grand as you can muster. And it seems to me that you could have mustered more with FWs budget and object count. Why did you choose to disclude the interior? EDIT: After viewing this in forge my point resounds all the more. I feel like because you chose to do a single wonder, you're almost obligated to make it as large as life to cover your bases. While I do admit that what you have down is detailed and thought out, there was an extra step you could have taken with which you could have included a new wake of creativity, that you chose not to for some reason (presumaby laziness). Good luck, anyhow.
if you have the time/resources, you should add a teleporter at the top to an "inner chamber" "within" the temple (perhaps in the coliseum?)
Thanks. I will admit, laziness is a recurring problem in just about every map I make. Along with not making it full scale, I didn't take the time to make the angles exact when I easily could have either. About the inside though, I wouldn't have made it since I didn't have an accurate view of it. Thanks again.
Couldn't agree more. With such the high amount of competition at FH, especially with aesthetics, this map's size is a major drawback. Not that it isn't good at all. It's just that why have a detailed small version when you can make a live-sized version almost as detailed. If I were the judge, though, I'd take the large version. Now to the looks. Everything looks to scale. I like the design of the stairs and the design of the little temple at the top of the pyramid. Good luck on the contest and I wish you well!
This build is a little small but I would also say you put a lot of effort into getting the proportions and details right to make it look really good. I think from all the WOW2 posts so far this is probably the one that looks most like the original Wonder, nice job.
Anyhow, moving away from the contest, I wish to congratulate you on the completion of such a structure. I can only imagine the tediousness you must of endured during it's production.
A great Work of art. I downloaded the map, and it was a little bigger than i thought. Good job on the steps and the Layout of the map. I like the details you put on the top of the temple and also great work on the entrances of the temple. Overall, i love the design of the temple and the amount of details you had put into it.