For a few years now, there have been reports of unusual occurences in halo 2 online. Some claim that mysterious players with strange and supernatural powers enter their custom games and wreck havok, only to vanish from the postgame carnage stats and game history files. One such example is the ghost of Lockout, (reported by some to be the result of a network synchronization error) The video can be found here: Ghost of Lockout Youtube Now, reports of similar happenings, as well as much stranger ones have begun to flood in from halo 3 players that have been playing custom games or forging online. These ghosts all appear to have no walking animation, are almost impossible to kill, and dish out massive damage with each shot. Even more players report mysterious explosions, vehicles without drivers that mow everyone down and then disappear, and Splazer shots that strike them down out of the blue. Whatever these phenomenon are, people are slow to explain them. It's time to open up a real investigation. I'm asking everyone on FH to reply with your stories of odd events and unexplained phenomena. However, I implore you to remain skeptical and scientific about this project - get videos to back up your claims if you can. To those of you haxors out there, we could use those skills of yours to delve into the coding of the maps, perhaps to flush out any A.I. that Bungie may have inserted. With any luck, we might just find out the nature of these so-called ghosts.
You and your strict adherence to logic, Nemihara. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were Vulcan. I also follow logical pathways, but I am led by curiousity to investigate the unconventional. As I stand now, I am still skeptical of the ghost theory, but there is some interesting evidence out there I've looked at.
First you talk about the glitch in the logic core pertaining to conspiracy theories, now you say that ghosts are the result of exploiting human pathways of thought. As you may know, Vulcans are a race from Star Trek that surpress irration emotions and abide solely by logic. From what I can gather in your arguements from prior posts, you fit this style of thinking very closely.
In fact, I would not know that, thank you, Mr. Trekkie. I assumed that 'Vulcan' was some weird insult that you develop for others.
For the sake of thread purism, I will not be answering any more questions pertaining to Vulcans and/or Star Trek. For the curious, the link to the Wiki is here Vulcan Wiki
Maybe its bungie doing this? they have the ability to do all this stuff, control everything and like to mess with people?
"If there's a Wiki of it, there's nerds." Says the guy who called someone else a nerd. It's entirely possible that this could all just be some weird glitch, but that'd have to be a shitload of improbable chance glitches that occurred to bring about an AI into multiplayer. Especially since Bungie probably double, triple, and quadriplechecked to make sure it didn't repeat from Halo 2.
i bet its some left over porgramming that somtimes pops up. I did read somewhere that there computer training enemys that bungie placed in when they were testing the halo 3 multiplayer.
Well once I was in forge, just me and my brother, we were both in moniter form when a grenade just came from nowhere. I no longer have the video though
That is really, really weird. At first, when I saw your threadm I was gonna be like: '' Yes, there are Ghosts in Halo, and I'm Obama in disguise.'' But, when I saw the video, it really made no sense to me. Maybe those were some serious lag and connection issues you guys were having. The grenade going back is kinda weird, but I've seen clips in Halo 3 of rockets, and Lasers going backwards due to connection problems. That could explain most of it.
I have a video of the Ghost of Blackout. No joke I actually have the full 6:00 minute video in theater. I will attempt to put it on my file share when I get the chance.
You mean like this: It's called standby glitching, as far as my knowledge goes of this.
lol all they have is a lag timer so their routers disconnect from xbl every 3 seconds for less than 1/100 of a sec. really simple to set up to. you can set it up on ur computer.