Conceded, that's all I wanted. I just have a pet peeve when people say things they can't back up with facts. lol
although i really really really would love for deep deep sea monsters to exist, they probably don't simply because there is not enough food at those depths to sustain a creature of that size. thats why all the ultra deep sea fish are ultra tiny. they survive on the microscopic particles of food that end up drifting down to the bottom. if there was a giant sea monster, it would have to come up to feed on larger creatures in order to get enough energy to sustain its hugeness. and if it came up and did that, we'd probably have noticed by now i'd imagine. but... i will keep hoping, because i find it extremely interesting and awesome.
Abyss As long as we're dreaming, why does the creature need to be a monster, implying massive size and aggressive demeanor. I think the coolest thing we could possibly find down there would be intelligent life. The movie "The Abyss" is one of my favorites. I always loved the idea that while we were off searching the solar system for intelligent life, it was right underneath us all along, in the deepest most inaccessible parts of the Mariana Trench.
*Large predators don't don't often inhabit very deep ocean. There are plenty of large deep sea creatures however, 10 Horrible Deep Sea Creatures - (sea monsters, sea animals...)
well, let me be clear on something: when i said "deep deep sea creatures" i assumed it was understood that i meant VERY DEEP. here is a cute picture of the ocean depths BBC News - Ocean trench: Take a dive 11,000m down only a couple of the fish in that article can even be considered "large," let alone giant viperfish: 5000 ft... not that deep... 12-24 inches, not very big the fangtooth is 6 inches long. dragonfish, 16 inches anglerfish are widely diverse, but the one they're referring to is actually very tiny - 18cm gulper eel - up to 6 feet, pretty scary... 6000 ft, not that deep, but i give you this one. giant squid - i give you that, but we really don't know much about them so... giant isopod - just because it has giant in the name doesnt mean its giant, 14 inches. coffinfish - 12 inches vampire squid - 1 ft long-nose chimaera - i give you this one too but still not that deep. 6600 ft, 4.6 ft next time dont just quote the first article you google? or maybe... dare i say... know what you're talking about?
You said all the ultra deep fish are ultra tiny. Not all ultra deep fish are that small was my point. If there are fish and sea creatures of significant size that means there could also exist larger creatures that prey on that. I suggest when you make a point don't use insanely ambiguous terms like "ultra tiny". A foot is still a significant size of a fish. And all I needed was that one article to prove to you that there are creatures of significant size at great depths even if it isn't that many. Had I devoted real research time (which I'm not going to do for a topic I don't care about in the slightest) I most likely would uncover more. Don't get all haughty on me unless you're telling me marine biology is a hobby of yours and I struck a nerve. Also in the article you provided the average ocean floor depth is 4267m which is well within all the creatures in that article's habitation zones. Deep ocean trenches are not common and what lies in them has barely been researched.
I would go back and re-quote Fbu with the Ancient Aliens meme, lol, but.... I really really love that movie. edit- you editted after me, not fair!
Aside from the cool underwater aliens, great writing and performances in the movie. Favorite scenes: Edit: Sorry Xun. Spoilers added Spoiler Ed Harris's wedding ring that he had retrieved from a toilet after regretfully throwing it inside in anger, ends up saving his life as he uses it to stop a closing hatch on the flooding rig. The scene where they are both trapped in a small underwater ship about 100 yards from the rig. The ship is flooding and they only have pressure resistant gear and breathing equipment for one person. The only way for both of them to survive is to let one person die, swim them back to the rig, and try resuscitation there. Well acted and heart breaking to watch.
Thanks for ruining it for me, should have put those in spoilers. And no, I actually haven't seen The Abyss.
I could swear I posted it but apparently my post dissapeared. Anyways, interesting Thread, also want to share this:
Thanks for the spoilers, Maki. I was deliberately being a little bit of a jerk, but I haven't seen it. I'll probably forget by the time I watch the actual movie anyway.