This is a picture. I was about to start a map, when i started playing around with effects. i though this effect would be cool for a sniper picture, kind of like something from the sniper mission with jun. so, i got on top of the rock, and posed, and then took a picture. hope you like it. EDIT: ok i went back in and changed the forced color to black. I changed the camera view a little bit, and ended up with what i think is a far better picture. [title=Blackheart DL Link][/title] Download Here [title=Blackheart DL Link][/title]
Looks very nice. I like the special FX and the background bring out a mood. One suggestion: It would look nicer if you changed the armour colors to all black. It would give a more black and shadowy feeling.
Looks cool, but to me, the halo in the background kills it a bit. I think it may be because it's so obvious that it's Halo and incorporating the halo into a screenshot is somewhat cliche. Nevertheless, it looks cool.
yeah i was just playing around in forge so thats why im red, but i thought that too. it would look pretty badass blacked out. btw, i love your sig Kind of, but i thought about that, and figured its supposed to be about halo snipers. so halo+sniper=halo snipers. i just really liked the effect it had of making the dude, well me, more prominent, just to make him stand out or whatever.