Are you good with mechanics, such as spawning and gametype labeling? Well, I need you. Give it to me baby, your mechanic skills. Why I need you? Well, my abilities of forge are screwed when it comes to gameplay/spawning/labeling mechanics. A brief description of the map: Name: Writer's Mind (Will be renamed, thanks FlyingShoeILR -_-) Size: Small, made for a 1v1, 2v2, and/or 3v3 game. Layout: A square shaped map about 4x5 collesium walls layed out. Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, KOTH, Juggernaut. I will give you credit 100% credit for the mechanics. Plus, if I respect you as a forger, you can help me add in walls, aesthetics, ect. that will do the map good or delete the unwanted things. If you are interested in helping me, fill out this simple form and I'll see your potential. Gamertag: Why I think I could be a good choice: Do you have any spawning/mechanics experience? Do you think you have the patience to help me polish the map to the nub?
Experienced* -- So you basically want someone to do the grunt work for you after you're done building your map? There's a stickied topic in this very forum that gives you all the information necessary to set up game-types and wrap your head around some spawn systems (simple is best IMO) yourself: here At least just say you're looking for someone to help teach you how to do it yourself. Instead you're basically saying, "I don't feel like learning this myself, so do it for me while I work on the fun part." Perhaps this wasn't your intention, but that's what it comes across as - an unpaid Forge internship.
Thanks. I've tried doing the spawns,ect. myself, but it doesn't seem to ever work out. You pointed out things I didn't think of. I'll check it out tommorrow, and see if I could do it myself.
I'd be willing to spend a bit of time teaching you, why give a man a meal when you can teach him how to fish?