Invasion: Forging Checklist

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Luv Gunn, Feb 18, 2012.

  1. Luv Gunn

    Luv Gunn Cartographer
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    There are a lot of guides on how to "make" an Invasion map, good ones, bad ones, and everything inbetween. Forgers, use this thread as a go-to guide to reference before, during and after creating any MATCHMAKING WORHTY Invasion Map. What I cover isn't the mechanics of labeling and adding hill markers, etc there are links attached for that. Here we will discuss beyond the beginners instruction manual and move onto advanced forging. Things like pathing, flow, and theory. If you still have questions about the "how-to" of getting an Invasion map started use these great links.

    Straight from the makers mouth,'s article on Forging Invasion and "The Halo Forge Epidemic" on YouTube has made great strides on not only giving you the information you need but also making it entertaining. And last but not least, a Basic guide to Invasion as seen right here on ForgeHub.

    The actual Checklist came first to be used a quick reference. A brief description of each point is listed in Spoilers below A link to a full bore breakdown will be near the end if you care to delve into it!

    Lets get started!

    -Dynamic Asymmetric gametype: Forge accordingly
    Invasion isn't BTB, MLG, or Multi-team. It isn't like any other gametype ever seen in Halo. Don't stress about symmetry or placing neutral weapons. There doesn't need to be a Top-Mid. This point in the list is a catch all for that makes Invasion, well, Invasion. Its may be hard to quantify so when in doubt... Go play some Invasion matchmaking.
    -Spartan vs. Elites (in every sense of the word)
    Invasion is Reach specific (for now) and you'd know why if you've played ANY of the campaign. In essence do your best to merge the campaign and MM. Create a mission, a theme, a story and build off of that for a great player experience.

    Ex: Elites attacking an Oni base on Reach for a core that will lead them to Earth... Spartans attacking an Elite held Forerunner structure on Halo etc.This is a VERY major point in the checklist that affects structure, aestetics, cover, weapons, vehicles, spawns, and objectives. Literally everything on the map requires SvE consideration. Its recommended that forgers read-on to the full article and understand how and why Matchmaking Invasion revolves around this concept.
    -Forge around Matchmaking Invasion (AA, Loadouts, vehicles etc)
    Working towards getting a map up to MM standards means using the MM gametype. Use the the built in Invasion gametype as a starting point. Don't add 5 falcons, don't use a fleet of mongeese, if in doubt, play more MM. This doesn't mean that only "remakes" can be good... its okay to think outside the box, just make you sure you start with the Standard and work from there.
    -Fire team spawning
    A call back to campaign spawning... Bro-spawning is a co-op standard and respawn zones are essentially "Checkpoints". You died inches from the objective? Try again! Don't try to get fancy or change the gametype, thats not a Forgers job and its not the way Matchmaking works. Each team gets 3 fireteams of 2 players each. Each fireteam gets ONE spawn per phase and, usually, a group spawn in the later phases for vehicles.
    -Fire team pathing/roles
    Pathing and Flow aren't new to most forgers. Use what you know to dictate how each of the 6 fireteams proceeds and interact. Ideally you want each of the 3 defending fireteams paths to take them towards their attacking counterpart and vice versa. Off spawn an attacking fireteam should see a clear cut quickest way to the objective. If they want to deviate from this path of least resistance they should be able to at their own detriment. Don't encourage it but DO facilitate it... make sense?

    They should all meet up with their teammates near the objective(s). And thats just pathing... Roles refers to who picks up the DMR/NeRf on Phase1, who gets the vehicles or power weapons. Make sure roles are clearly defined using spawns, weapon placement, and pathing.
    -Invasion appropriate Width
    12 players is lot for Halo, add to that fireteams roles and pathing and we've got the need for a very large playspace. The map needs to be wide enough to allow fireteams to have their own paths and battles without stumbling into some one else's battle ON ACCIDENT... Still, the map should be "Small" enough to allow players to meet up and coordinate attacks/mount defenses. You can't flank when all of Forge World is in use. Unsure about your map? Play some MM Invasion and draw some inspiration. In general, "focus" the width in the later phases since you are building upon the entirety of the map.
    -Proper Verticality at the proper times
    Same concept as width with a few exceptions. As the map expands INCREASE verticality on all levels. IMO, Invasion needs Aerial vehicles but its not written in stone. Regardless, ensure that the map is CAPABLE of accommodating falcons, banshees, jet packers in the later phases and include skill jumps, ramps, and ledges in the early phases etc... who knows what changes will be needed after playtests and you don't want to have to redesign your whole map just because you weren't "planning" on including a few things. Ever heard a call-out of S1, S3, or TOP-mid? An FPS needs verticality, invasion is no different.
    -Territories/objectives = 1 sprint/evade apart + Cover
    This 1AA proximity lets teams coordinate and allows the middle team to choose if they want to go left or right. It also lets the Defenders respond to the Attackers in their objectives quickly. Add structure/cover to prevent cross mapping shooting from or into the objective from spawn and vice versa.
    The Objective should not be a power position.
    -Delaying Elements between spawns and Objectives
    Simple really. Add structure, cover, shield doors, or use the map itself to prevent players from INSTANTLY affecting the objective from their spawns or vice versa.
    -Expand the map, don't leave Phases behind
    Use the first phase as an Attacker vehicle spawn, power weapon spawn, etc. There is no point using that budget and objects on a part of the map you'll use once. No, be frugal and practical. Reuse as much of the map as you can and don't use teleporters. Ever.
    -Weapon and Vehicle "balance" (less is more)
    Place Needle Rifle(s) on the 1st phase for elites to counter the spartans magnums. Only add DMR/NeRf to P1. Add power weapons and vehicles starting P2 and thenescalate for the 3rd phase. Don't stress too much about symmetry here. A focus rifle does not counter a sniper nor the scorpion a wraith. They can kill each other, sure, but one does not REQUIRE the other. Don't fall into the trap of adding every vehicle and power weapon. Dynamic ASYMMETRIC Gametype remember? That said, Elites need ways of taking down vehicles and spartans shouldn't be confronted by banshees, revenants, AND wraiths at every turn. Playtest, playtest, playtest, then more MM

    There is a LOT more to say on the matter... the who, what, where, why, and when of forging Invasion can be found at Our conceptualization of the gametype overall can be found HERE for those that have an interest in invasion above and beyond forging.
  2. ablesirthomas

    ablesirthomas Forerunner
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    I've enjoyed the read luv gunn. Now onward to invasion matchmaking lol.
    #2 ablesirthomas, Feb 22, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2012
  3. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is really useful info from a group who REALLY know what they are talking about. Sticky perhaps?
  4. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It really should be, or put in the Halo Reach Guide Compendium Thread. To all who don't know: If it's from the Wheelmen and it's about invasion you better listen.
  5. Luv Gunn

    Luv Gunn Cartographer
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the kind words. I've wanted to forge Invasion, specifically a Spartan offense, for a long time but all my attempts were sub-par. A quick breakdown of the MM invasion maps helped me break Forging down into basics.

    Still waiting on my Forging Breakthrough if anyone is inspired to make an Invasion map feel free to send me a PM or message on LIVE. Lets see what we can do together!
  6. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    Luv Gunn, I am working on one if you would like to look at it with me. It is rough, but it is nearing ready for first test.

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