Invasion: Plateau Hello people of the world!... well, Forge Hub. Welcome to my latest forge project which has been in the works for the past few weeks, maybe even a month. As you can see, it is an invasion map which follows the standard invasion set up, or 'Bungie invasion' set up and has many conventional traits to create a fun experience for both teams and all fire teams. Attacker spawn/Phase 1 Elites attacking Neutral ground followed by two low structures split by a terrain pathway. Phase 2/Phase 3 The Second area of Plateau is split by a great wall. Phase 2 territories are pretty close to the core. Core Objective This structure is inspired by the Boneyard Phase 3 objective. There we go, hope you like the look of it. Right, we all know that invasion maps need a **** ton of testing and Plateau is no different. I want to get as much done as I possibly can before releasing it. So if you would like to get involved with testing or you just want to play it, send me a message either on Xbox Live or on Forge Hub. Lets bake this cake.
Wow. Finally someone else understands how to make an invasion map. It looks like the elites are gonna need a bit more cover to spawn behind in phase 1 and like the area between the phase 1 and phase 2/3 area is a bit open, but the design looks very solid for the most part. I just wish the map had more of a theme, but it's not like there's many good invasion maps that this will have to compete against.
. You totally asked for it. It's been a very good experience getting you through working on this map El Trocity, and I think the ideas I've indoctrinated you with have done pretty well. The map is gorgeous, but like all Invasion maps there is space to iron out some gameplay flaws. A very good start though. Maybe we can discuss more soon.
Thanks Duck, I had help from Berb, he gave me lots of advice on the layout of the map and such. Hmmm theme, I think it would be too ambitious for me to apply an extensive theme to my first attempt at a map of this type. I wanted to focus more on the gameplay and balance. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Wow... thanks Berb. Yeah, it really has been a good experience, your advice was just amazing. I could not have come this far with out your help. Yes, Plateau does have flaws which will need fixing. Hopefully you can assist me during those edits. Oh, do you like the name? Thanks Berby.
This.. looks so hawt.. I love the structures, so simple yet so forerunner in appearance. Looks very balanced as well, no height variation is to drastic from the pictures. Do you have a beta on your fileshare(I will check it) but if you dont you should post one, I'd love to take a look at it and maybe make a stab at helping you out with a theme to go along with it. I love the middle base structure from the first picture, I have a similiar base in a map i've been working on for what feels like a decade. But it doesnt connect to any other structures like yours does, I took my inspiration from some Halo Custom Edition base designs with a mix of Halo 2's Relic. I wish I had more time to spend with friends and community members forging, but eh life is such a drag lately. I love maps like this, you should definately create a seperate version geared up for BTB as well the structure of the map would definately work wonderfully for it.
Wow finally someone else who gets it lol. I'm the invasion host over on the halo forge epidemic (a forge based youtube channel with over 20,000 subs). I've been looking for maps to spotlight and this has peaked my interest. If you are interested message me at "ablesir thomas" on xbl. ps. Hi berb and Psychoduck I now have a forgehub account lol. Now u can never escape my uhhhhh......... "wit" lol
Yeah definitively! I am kind of already involved withcyou guys as Im with BIOC. Oakley is going to get involed with it and help promote us. I'll send a message your way tonight. Thanks [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks man If you want to get involved with testing just send me a friend request and I will send you an invite when I need testers.