Nominations Rules Max. 3 nominations per person. Provide a link to each map's Forge Hub thread. DO NOT nominate your own map. DO NOT nominate previous FHF winners. DO NOT nominate Map Packs. DO NOT discuss nominations in this thread. DO NOT flame nominations posted in this thread. Nominations end February 27th, 2012. Voting on the 5 maps with the most nominations will begin February 28th, in a new thread. Example Nomination
So...many...deserving maps... But I'll have to go with this. and this
Yeah, I'll go with Observatory as well, for the uniqueness of its infection setup and the awesomeness of 3-ball.
Ether by Ace Siren by Waldo Aiden by Fat Kid @ V : My bad, I just searched threads under his name since I remember the map
Ether by Ace of Spades Observatory by some guy who made Metropolis. And I'll save my last one for later.
im going to go with embricardo i think i spelt that correctly its that city map i dont think it was even in fhf before and it looks nice [br][/br]Edited by merge: or port authority that one looks great also
Embarcadero won an FHF months ago, and also won the Best Objective section of BoF. Port Authority isn't finished yet, and hasn't been posted on the site.
Ive got to give a vote to Redemption and Kaos' Majectica. I havent played any others so I cant give a vote to others as of now.