****ing pubic hair. I mean damnit, its always making a mess. And chicks with a bush? I mean, come on! **** should be able to grow longer then a couple centimeters. >:O
Today I went on a coffee run before class, like usual, except on unlike every other Monday morning, today a couple of 10th graders decided to double park me (they were the type that failed a couple courses so they just give up and skip). Long story short instead of sitting my Chemistry test I sat in Tim's and drank about 2 litres of delicious Double Double. Main point - **** people who can't park correctly.
I just took a midterm in my Cultures and Ideas class that I'm fairly certain I failed. It was over quotes from old works like Genesis and some Greek myths. I'm majoring in WEB DESIGN. Why the **** do I need to be able to recognize random passages from works of literature that are no longer relavent in society!
When it's cold things hurt much worse. My thumb feels as though it should be amputated now because I accidentally hit it with a hammer.
My school is hard. Very hard. I'm is 7th grade, and am going to have some high school credits to show for it at the end of this year, with 5 AP courses in 8th grade. It's as if everybody has become a complete idiot, and needs to go onto support to stay at this school. I'm completely tired of this, I want to be in class with people who don't need to ask for clarification every 6 minutes, or that scribble down notes like it's going to help. AAUUGH. Oh, the school I go to, is BASIS Peoria, somewhere down in Arizona.
That spoiler'd section was very lol. You brightened up my evening . Having to be "nice" to assholes is the downside of any job. Especially if those assholes happen to be your superiors. So basically, get treated like **** and enjoy it or you'll get fired/punished. One other thing I hate about supermarkets or retail stores is when you're standing at the checkout counter in a line, waiting to buy your ****, and the person working the register is so unbelievably slow that you're standing there, second in line for about twenty minutes while they try to work out how to scan an item or work the EFTPOS machine, and the whole time, in your mind you're totally losing your ****. Once you finally get to the checkout, the cashier says, "sorry about the wait" with an apologetic smile, and your anger suddenly inexplicably subsides and you reply, "no worries". I just wish for once that I had enough rage left to say, "you're god damn right you're sorry, I've been waiting in that line for thirty ****ing minutes to pay for a Snickers bar, and, you know what? I DON'T EVEN FEEL LIKE EATING IT NOW! ALL I WANT IS THE LAST HALF AN HOUR OF MY LIFE BACK, BUT YOU CAN'T DO THAT BECAUSE YOU'RE A ****ING CASHIER!! I'M PRETTY SURE IF YOU HAD THE ABILITY TO MANIPULATE TIME YOU'D BE OUT ROBBING A BANK OR SNEAKING INTO A MOVIE, OR MORE IMPORTANTLY, LEARNING HOW TO OPERATE A ****ING CASH REGISTER IN YOUR OWN TIME, YOU INEPT, PRE-PUBESCENT EXCUSE FOR CHEAP LABOUR!!!!" or something of the like. But no, I'm stuck eating my half-melted Snickers because I'm just to damn considerate of other peoples feelings. The message in all this? Empathy sucks.
^hahaha When people straight-up lie for the benefit of their own image (NOT to be nice, so ^that'd be okay, Xun). E.g. I notice my roommate has stopped playing Skyrim, so I ask him why.. He's all like, "Yeah, I want to improve my life, wanna work out and not waste my time with stupid games." I'm all like, "Sweet, dude, good for you." TWO WEEKS LATER I see him playing Skyrim. I ask him why.. He answers, "Oh, the new Skyrim patch came out so now I can extend my 200+ hours of gameplay!" http://memeorama.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Are-You-****ing-Kidding-Me-Rage-Face-Meme-Template-Blank.png
Don't worry, it gets worse. There's a girl in my Chemistry class who asked why you multiply by two to remove the fraction of 3/2. I'm pretty sure it's just because public school caters to the masses, and these stupid ****s would be left behind in the third grade otherwise.
Uh, it does help? Not sure what your definition of notes are, but if I didn't take notes, I'd fail all my classes. Because not all of us have photographic memories.
can't see ot can't see shoutbox can't see blogs can't see people's profile posts get infracted for any tiny slip up while others get away with it after all that still the most helpful, intelligent, handsome, cultured and valued member