Got a printer/copier/scanned combo recently to scan some things into my resume, and decided I'd give it a life beyond that. Went and found some old drawing things that I'd done quite a while ago. I'm talking almost ten years ago old. Have scanned them in for your viewing pleasure. They look a bit brighter than what they're supposed to though, because the scanner light reflected off them, I suppose. Anyway... That sausage looking thing is my friends contribution to the image. Asshole. Spoiler Spoiler You can actually barely see that explosion thing on paper, I didn't even notice it was there until I scanned it in. Spoiler Yes, I used to like D12 and Eminem. Sue me. Spoiler Spoiler That last image was just something that was in my old clipboard with the rest of them. There are more images there, but they're not good enough to scan, so you can't see them.
I like the demon with the sword through it and the last one. You remind me a lot of my friend who loves drawing this type of stuff. Although his are usually a little more graphic, which can be good or bad. You should keep it up every so often, never know when it'll come in handy. My old neighbor got cancer and picked up drawing again. He makes some really cool art
Doesn't auto-adjust take care of that? I've been thinking about picking up drawing again, but I haven't really had the time or the inclination. Seeing those images after a long time has kind of piqued my interest again, so I'll probably end up going out and picking up a Sharpie or two and a packet of coloured pencils and see where my imagination takes me. I actually used to have some old art books that were literally brimming with drawings, but I can't find where they went. Probably threw them out or lost them in the multiple moves I've done since high school. Which is quite disappointing.
This. If it's okay, Xun, please resize and replace your images with smaller ones. Some people have horrible internet connections so this page will be unavailable to them.
Okie-dokie, they've been resized to 1000x1413 (weird cropping thing the scanner does) or smaller. I keep forgetting not everyone has great internetz. Sorry guys, my bad. :S
make sure they are 72dpi for the ones you are putting on the internet. basically, make high res scans, and then save off a low res one for internet purposes. higher than 72 dpi is for print
I'll keep that in mind for the next time I post things like this. Honestly, they resized for me before I viewed them, so I was unaware that they were three page widths long. Silly Xun...